Intersectionality, Community and Computational Technology’

‘Intersectionality, Community and Computational Technology’ (ICCT) highlights, challenges, and disrupts the way in which computational technology reproduces and reenforces various inequalities in society.

ICCT is concerned with work that promotes a more diverse and inclusive range of voices within the broad field of digital humanities and computational culture. It focuses on engagements with intersectional feminism, queer and anti-racism work and theory and how they can be applied within computer science, software engineering, creative practice, so that we produce data and archives, that we create tools and software, that better represents society and are fundamentally more inclusive. As such, it is community focused and community driven. 

This priority area reflects existing work within the Lab, specifically through the ‘Feminist Approaches to Computational Technology (FACT) Network, and the ARHC-IRC funded network grant, ‘Intersectionality, Feminism, Technology and Digital Humanities’ (IFTe) whose ‘overarching objective is to ‘un-code’ gendered assumptions, question our digital environments and systems, and embed intersectional feminist methods and theory within DH with a view to the creation of new DH futures’. Both networks are lead at Sussex by Dr Cécile Chevalier and Dr Sharon Webb but are open for all to contribute to and shape.  

 ‘Intersectionality, Community and Computational Technology’ asserts a commitment by the Sussex Humanities Lab to generate and support work in Queer Digital Humanities, Intersectional Digital Humanities, in order to challenge sexism, racism, classism, heterosexism, and ableism in the field – reflecting the Lab’s research values. It also asserts a commitment to making positive interventions in these areas, through workshops, research seminars and collaborations, as well as in our work practices, so that we can explore new ways of thinking and doing that challenge accepted social paradigms which manifest in our digital environments, systems, archives, code and creative outputs.  

 If you are interested in this area and would like to contribute, please contact Sharon Webb 



Sussex Humanities Lab, SILVERSTONE SB211, Arts Road, Falmer, East Sussex, BN1 9RG
