Open Science

Sign saying 'We are open'

Photo credit: Tim Mossholder, Unsplash

We are fully embracing Open Science as part of our commitment to better research via transparency, collaboration, and inclusivity. This reflects our understanding that world leading research needs to be done in a way that brings everyone forward. It's incredibly heartening to see such a vibrant community leading the way, ensuring that the fruits of their research are not only shared but also serve as building blocks for future discoveries.” Andre maia chagas 
Lecturer in Open Science


Open Science in neuroscience refers to the practice of making scientific research, data, and dissemination accessible to all levels of society. In the context of neurosciences, this approach aims to:

  • Increase transparency: Sharing research methodologies, data, and analysis techniques openly.
  • Enhance collaboration: Encouraging researchers worldwide to work together, share resources, and build upon each other's work
  • Accelerate discovery: By making research outputs freely available, new insights can be gained more rapidly
  • Improve reproducibility: Allowing other scientists to verify and replicate studies, strengthening the reliability of findings
  • Democratize knowledge: Making neuroscience research accessible to researchers, clinicians, and the public alike
  • Facilitate interdisciplinary research: Enabling connections between neuroscience and other fields like computer science, psychology, and medicine
  • Promote data sharing: Establishing repositories for neuroimaging data, electrophysiological recordings, and other types of neuroscience data
  • Encourage pre-registration: Publishing study plans before conducting research to reduce bias and increase credibility


Open Science Projects

A number of Sussex Neuroscience members have active Open Science projects, including the following: