
Correction exercises

The activation/correction exercise in the PFD attachments for Upper and Lower body exercises are important today due to the way we live. Many of us are not recruiting and activating the muscles in the correct sequence or manner. This causes other muscle to be over worked. Imagine the micro traumas (damage) we are causing our muscles when they are not firing correctly to walk, run, jump or even opening and closing a door, lifting items on and off shelves/worktops. How many step do we take in a day? Move our arms?

The main muscle group targeted in the Upper body activation/correction exercise target the lower trapezius. The lower trapezius is important as it keeps us upright, assisting neutral posture, keeping the scapula in place preventing the shoulders rounding forwards.

One Internal / External Rotations
Two Ball Rolling
Three Doorway Slides / Wall Slides
Four T, Y, W
Five Wall Slides (Facing Wall)
Six Wall Rotation
Seven Scapulae Retractions

The majority of exercises in the Lower body activation/correction PDF target the:

Glutes – these are the power muscles of the lower limbs. Activating the glutes will allow power of the legs to be increased. If the glutes do not function correctly, additional strain can be placed on the hamstrings and lower back, causing tightness and pain

Vasteralis Medialis Obligue (VMO) – this muscle is situated on the inside of the thigh, down by the knee cap, to the left of the knee as we look down at our own knees. This muscle is important as it works to stabilise (active and dynamic) the knee cap (patella). It also controls the tracking of the knee as it flexes and extends during daily movements.

One Glute Bridge
Two Side Leg Raises
Three Clams (seated / supine / Lying)
Four Heel Raises
Five Vastus Medialis Oblique
Six Squats
Seven Penguins
Eight Hip Hike 
Nine Superman
Ten Side Planks
Eleven Adductor Squeeze
Twelve Single Leg Balance 
Thirteen Balance Board
Fourteen Ankle Mobility
Fifteen VMO Activation