Call for Applications: British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024

Call for Applications: British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024

Centre for the Study of Sexual Dissidence
University of Sussex 

The Centre for the Study of Sexual Dissidence at the University of Sussex invites invites potential applicants for a three-year British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship from Autumn 2025 to submit an abbreviated outline application to the Centre by 5pm on 29 July 2024. The Centre will support up to three applications this year, with selected applicants receiving support on the development of their application to the BA scheme.

The British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship is for early career researchers in the humanities and social sciences wishing to pursue an independent research project, towards the completion of a significant piece of publishable research. The fellowship is non-renewable. Further details on the scheme are available on the British Academy website.

The Centre for the Study of Sexual Dissidence is an internationally recognised, historic interdisciplinary centre for the study of sexuality and LGBTQI+ life, with close relationships with queer activist and artistic communities in Brighton and Hove, the Sussex region, and beyond. The Centre also administers the historic MA in Sexual Dissidence, the first degree in sexuality studies to be offered in the UK. Based in the School of Media, Arts and Humanities, SexDiss is a part of the University of Sussex’s vibrant and creative culture of research and teaching, in which successful applicants will be able to participate fully. Successful applicants will join a warm and active community of scholars, artists, and activists and be supported in developing their independent research.

Applicants are requested to submit a cv (up to 4 pages) and a completed expression of interest form, available here in this Box folder

Applications should be uploaded as a single Word or pdf file labeled with the applicant’s name to this Box folder by 17:00 on 29 July 2024.

Applicants will be notified of decisions by email no later than 12 August 2024; please ensure that a current email address is included on the cv. Successful applicants will be offered feedback and be asked to submit a full draft outline application, following the BA guidance, by 26 August 2024.

Please contact Natalia Cecire ( and Francesco Ventrella ( with any inquiries.