We're pleased to be able to signpost staff and students to the following resources for support within and beyond the University.
- Allsorts
Allsorts is a project based in Brighton to support and empower young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or unsure (LGBTU) of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity, challenging prejudice and discrimination.
- LGBTQ+ Student Society
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans* and Queer Society (or LGBTQ+ Society) within the Students’ Union provides a welcoming and inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ students to come together to socialise, provide each other with support and campaign on LGBTQ+ issues
- MindOut
MindOut is a mental health service run by and for lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. Based in Brighton and Hove, it provides local services including advice, information, advocacy, a peer support group programme, wellbeing activities and events, as well as a number of national initiatives.
- Radical Rhizomes
Social gatherings by and for queer, trans and intersex people of colour (QTIPoC) in Brighton & Hove which offer the chance to make new connections, share a meal, listen to an inspiring artist, enjoy a film, or take part in a creative activity. All activities are free to take part.
- Student Life Centre
The Student Life Centre offers information, advice and guidance to all Sussex students. Their aim is to ensure Sussex is a supportive environment for students, providing information and resources to enhance your transition to and through University. They can direct you to information, services and resources to help you overcome challenges and manage difficulties.
All Student Life Advisors are skilled and experienced at working with LGBTQI students. Students should feel free to choose to see any Advisor. Sexuality is of course only one facet of our lives and personalities, and it may be the case that the issue you are bringing to the Student Life Centre relates to your health, your course or University rules and regulations. However, they also recognise that LGBTQI students can face specific barriers which may affect their experiences at University. In light of this their team are trained by MindOUT to anticipate, appreciate and understand a spectrum of current LGBTQI isues.
- University LGBT+ Staff Network
The University of Sussex LGBT+ Staff Network aims to help develop a positive environment for all staff and PhD students who work on our Falmer campus and identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex or asexual.
A programme of activities and events bring the Sussex LGBTIQA community together, but the precise blend is entirely up to the members
You can find out more on Twitter and Facebook, or by emailing
- University Trans and non-binary Staff Network
The TransNonbinary Staff Network is a confidential and a fully inclusive group, open to all members of staff or postgraduates who identify as transnonbinary. It meets occasionally to discuss and review policy development, as well as organising different events throughout the year.
If you would like to join the network or would like further information you can contact the network by emailing the mailing list The mailing list is monitored and – to ensure confidentially – is accessed only by the Trans Convenor.
- Further resources
Further support resources have been collated by the University.