Department of Geography

Study abroad

Studying abroad as part of your undergraduate degree is an exciting way to develop a global perspective. The experiences, knowledge and skills gained from living and studying in a different culture are invaluable. At Sussex we actively encourage our students to study abroad and provide a range of opportunities.

Employability: to a potential employer, a period of study abroad will make your CV stand out. It will show that you have the personal qualities of determination, confidence, resourcefulness and stamina.

Intercultural competence: by studying abroad you will develop skills in communicating and negotiating with people from different countries and backgrounds. Intercultural competence is increasingly recognised as an important attribute in its own right, and will be prized by employers of all types, not just ‘international’ organisations.

Network of friends and contacts: you will meet people not only from the country you are visiting, but from all over the world. You will have a connection with their own friends and families, countries, homes and enterprises – contacts that may serve you personally and professionally throughout your life.

For more information, visit Study abroad for Sussex students and Study abroad: School of Global Studies, or contact the Admissions Tutor.

When you are abroad, you study alongside other national and international students for credits awarded by your host university. These are then translated into credits that count towards your degree at Sussex. At some universities overseas, the workload can be quite hard; in all there is a challenging environment that forces you to think differently about your subject, and the world.

For more information, visit Study abroad for Sussex students and Study abroad: School of Global Studies, or contact the Admissions Tutor.

The University has over 140 student and teaching exchange links with institutions across North America, Asia, Australia, Europe, and Central and South America. 

These institutions are open not only to Geographers studying a European language as part of their degree, but also to those students who would like to incorporate a period of study abroad into their time at Sussex even without speaking a foreign language.

For more information, visit Study abroad for Sussex students and Study abroad: School of Global Studies, or contact the Admissions Tutor.

'Going to the University of Queensland in Australia for five months as part of my BSc in Geography at Sussex was among the best decisions of my life.

'Initially immersed in the international student community, I was consistently entertained by how much I could learn about our subtle cultural differences and have left with an array of magnificent friends to visit across Europe. Being with such like-minded students eager to explore their new home was fantastic and consequently many weekend camping and surfing trips about the remarkable Australian landscape were had including a rather extreme week of trekking through the snowy Tasmanian highlands!

'Under the discipline of ‘Geographical Sciences’ there was a respectable variety of modules to take, with a notable specialisation in geotechnological modules such a Remote Sensing and GIS.

'I now feel equipped with the confidence that I could move anywhere in the global pursuit of an international career safe in the knowledge that after a couple of weeks, adjustment is always likely to prevail.

'So my advice is to seize the life-changing opportunity of studying abroad at Sussex.

'Happy travels!'

Olivia Hunt
BSc in Geography



Olivia, Queensland
Brisbane - iStockphoto
Koala Bear2 - iStockphoto

'As part of my Geography degree I studied abroad at La Réunion University, France. The location was interesting in a physical geography sense, as there are waterfalls, beaches and mountainous regions, but also as a human geographer the mixture of cultures, ethnicities and language is unique and interesting.

'Living as part of a culture that is so different is very enriching and leaves you full of memories that you’ll never forget. I really enjoyed getting to know the local people, and it also really helped meeting students from other UK, American and European universities. I made really close friends with a lot of people from different parts of the world that I’m still in contact with now.

'One of my fondest memories is when I climbed to the top of the highest peak; Piton des Neiges and took in the amazing cloud-covered view from the top.  I went scuba diving and also paragliding, which was fantastic!

'I consider myself to be very lucky to have had the opportunity to study abroad and experience things that I would not have had the chance to do otherwise.  It is something which I would definitely say has helped me grow as a person.

'Studying abroad is a great chance to try something different and experience an alternative way of life. It’s a very worthwhile thing to do and you’ll meet lots of great people.'

Eve Cartwright
BA in Geography and French


Scuba, France
Piton des Neiges, La Réunion
Cirque de Mafate, La Réunion

See also: Study abroad: School of Global Studies

 Banner photo: View of Vancouver, Canada by Martin Wingfield