Theoretical Particle Physics

Autumn Term 2018

Autumn Term 2018 Formal Seminars

 10/12/2018  Ye-Ling Zhou University of Southampton Baryogenesis via Leptonic Phase Transition
 03/12/2018 Benedict von Harling   IFAE, DESY Electroweak Phase Transition and Baryogenesis in Composite Higgs Models
 26/11/2018 Frederic Dreyer  University of Oxford  The Lund Jet Plane
Unusual room 5C11

Francesca Day

University of Cambridge Axions and X-ray polarimetry
 12/11/2018  Miguel Escudero King's College London  Baryogenesis and Dark Matter from B Mesons
Unusual time 12pm
Elizabeth Winstanley  University of Sheffield Black hole bombs: hairy black holes as end-points of superradiant instabilities
 05/11/2018 Djuna Croon TRIUMF Gravitational Waves signatures of Dark Matter
 29/10/2018 Steve Abel University of Durham Asymptotic safety for the Standard Model
 22/10/2018 Marek Lewicki King's College London On the Maximal Strength of a First-Order Electroweak Phase Transition and its Gravitational Wave Signal
 15/10/2018 Subir Sarkar University of Oxford Is the universe isotropic?
 08/10/2018 Claire Burrage University of Nottingham Connections between modified gravity and particle physics