Career support and part-time jobs
We help you to prepare for your future. You can attend skills workshops, meet industry professionals and find part-time jobs in our careers database.
Careers support
You can see a Careers Consultant during your course and for up to three years after you graduate. Consultants help you to plan your career, develop your skills and experience and give you advice on how to enter certain sectors and professions.
You can also:
- attend skills development workshops
- get advice from professionals and former Sussex students working in your sector
- join a society, or set up a new society to develop organisational and leadership skills.
Find a part-time job
To find a job, you can:
- log into Careerhub (our jobs database) to search for student jobs on campus and in Brighton & Hove. We also advertise seasonal jobs
- follow the Careers and Entrepreneurship on Twitter to see the latest vacancies
- check for vacancies on the Students' Union website, Brighton and Hove Jobs, Wired Sussex and the Churchill Square jobs' page
- book an appointment at a recruitment agency such as Manpower, Tate Recruitment and Office Angels
- give in your CV to shops, supermarkets and bars in the city.
Check how much tax you should pay on your earnings as a student.
As well as helping you to manage your money, getting a part-time job will help you gain employability skills.
Our campus is close to Brighton & Hove, meaning there is lots of part-time work available, and you can attend the Student Jobs and Volunteering Fair at the start of the autumn term and drop-ins for employers recruiting students for part-time work.
The UK has a national minimum wage.
Working restrictions if you have a visa
If you're an international student and you're coming here on a visa, you may have working restrictions.
Depending on your visa, you will normally be allowed to work for up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during vacations if you are an undergraduate.
Email to check if you can work in the UK if you have a visa.
However, you should always put your studies first and avoid working more than 15 hours per week during term time.
Volunteering opportunities
You can contact the Students' Union for information on volunteering opportunities on campus and in Brighton and Hove.
Placements and internships
Most of our courses include professional placements, and we can help you to find, and prepare for, placements and internships.
Find out more about placements and internships and check our undergraduate courses to see which courses include a placement.
Most courses will allow you to add a placement year after you have arrived at Sussex.
Study a language
Studying a language can help you develop key skills in communication, organisation and cultural awareness - skills that are highly valued by employers.
You can choose to study Arabic, British Sign Language, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English Language Teaching through the Department of Language Studies.