Perception, learning & memory
The Sussex Centre for Consciousness Science is one of the University of Sussex’s 12 Centres of Excellence. Our aim is to advance the scientific and philosophical understanding of consciousness, and to use the insights from this research for the benefit of society, medicine and technology.
The nature of consciousness has puzzled people for thousands of years, and it remains one of the most important unsolved mysteries in science and philosophy, with enormous potential for wider societal impact. The Sussex Centre for Consciousness provides a focus for developing the University’s world-leading reputation in this key area. Our research emphasises interdisciplinary collaboration and training, stretching across the sciences and the humanities. We also prioritise realising the impact of consciousness science, both through applied research and through innovative and far-reaching public engagement.
The Centre is directed by a core team including Prof. Anil Seth (director, Informatics), Dr Adam Barrett (deputy director, Informatics), Dr. Jenny Bosten (deputy director, Psychology), Prof. Sarah Sawyer (deputy director, Philosophy), and Prof. James Stone (deputy director, BSMS).
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