About us

A latecomer to the modern canon of social sciences, the discipline of International Relations has a relatively narrow core: its roots in Anglo-American politics and academia created a Eurocentric bias; its keen desire to influence policy-making stood in the way of systematic theoretical analysis; and its limited conception of social science impeded the analysis of core norms and values. The Centre for Advanced International Theory thus aims to provide the space for systematic reflection on the concepts, actors, structures, norms, and practices of international politics.

To this end, CAIT invites advanced fundamental research on international politics from within and outside the discipline - including but not limited to international political theory, international historical sociology, international political economy and from all theoretical backgrounds, orthodox and heterodox - free of the requirement for direct policy relevance and reflexive of the knowledge/power nexus.

The Sussex International Theory Lectures showcase the relevance of innovative theoretical work in International Relations; the Sussex International Theory Prize values outstanding innovative theoretical research in International Relations; the annual International Theory Symposium provides the framework for thorough engagement with international theory and Visiting Fellowships, workshops, conferences and reading groups encourage exchange and collaboration in the field. Keep up to date with what is happening at CAIT by subscribing to our mailing list: cait@sussex.ac.uk. You can also watch recordings of past lectures at our Youtube channel.