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Find out about the Department of Strategy and Marketing, based within the Business School, and search for people who work there.
We have world-class experts in marketing, international business, strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation.
Regardless of what degree you do, our programmes are global in focus, defined by innovation, and grounded in a commitment to sustainability, ethics, and practice.
We have a strong reputation among both UK and international employers. Our talented students are taught by passionate educators and given the basis for a wide range of career options.
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Explore our courses and find out more about our teaching.
We have a vibrant research culture. Our aim is to provide a stimulating intellectual forum for exchange, controversy and idea generation.
We’ve grown a lot in a short time and continue to develop.
Our academics publish extensively in international journals and participate frequently in international conferences.
If you want to study towards a PhD, and you think your interests match those of our academics, find out about PhD study in the Business School.
We’re also keen to hear from established academics who would like to be Visiting Scholars within our department for short periods.
The Department of Strategy & Marketing host regular research seminars delivered by distinguished speakers. See our Business School Research Events for details of recent seminars.
These are the five most recent publications added to Sussex Research Online (SRO).