Sussex Asia Centre

Health and Well-being

Maya Unnithan has conducted research over decades on health and fertility in India and is now bringing this expertise to the understanding of family dynamics in South Asian families in the UK, as well as to the social, economic and health burden of hidden blood related conditions such as anaemia in lower and middle-income countries, including India and Bangladesh. Maya is also Director of the Centre for Cultures of Reproduction, Technologies and Health. Saheira Sha has recently finished a pioneering study of ageing and care practices in Western China. Dilmurad Yusupov is embarking on an innovative study of perceptions of disability in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Scholars from across the centre are interested in issues of the health and well-being of Asian migrants. We’re working with Afghanistan’s Ministry of Public Health to better understand and thereby improve the experience of Afghan heath tourists in India, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran.