Centre for Innovation and Research in Wellbeing

CIRW-hosted events

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Past Events

Date: Friday 31 March, 2023
Room 1B3, Pevensey 1
Speakers: Lily Kpobi, Research Fellow, University of Ghana / Ursula Read, Senior Research Fellow, Warwick University

Nkabom: A little medicine, a little prayer

Nkabom film posterGhana has long been the focus of international concerns regarding the human rights of people with mental illness, particularly those who are chained by traditional and faith-based healers. Filmed in 2019 in rural villages and market towns in central Ghana, Nkabom follows the activities of mental health nurses and healers working together to reduce harmful practices and to improve the treatment of people with mental health conditions.

The film shows how their partnerships develop, what makes them successful, and the challenges faced in negotiating the removal of restraints as well as accessing resources. The nurses and healers ‘ka bom’, or join together, to reach the same goal of helping their patients recover.

Nkabom is part of the Together for Mental Health project funded by the UKRI ESRC Global Challenges Research Fund.

Watch the Nkabon trailer



Date: Monday 20 February, 2023
Room 155, Arts A
Speaker: Dr Lior Birger, CIRW Visiting Research Fellow, Social Worker & Haruv Institute Postdoctoral Fellow

The Case of Deportation of Refugees from Israel to Rwanda: Methodological and ethical considerations of public and media co-dissemination

In 2018, the Israeli government initiated a plan to forcibly deport refugees to Rwanda. Dr Lior Birger and colleagues conducted qualitative research that explored the narratives of refugees who had previously made this journey, with findings revealing that the promises for protection in Rwanda went unfulfilled. Refugees were instead pressured to embark on life-threatening travel across the Sahara and the Mediterranean, eventually gaining legal status in Europe. The research served as the basis for an unprecedented civil society campaign, eventually leading the government of Israel to cancel the deportation plan.

In this seminar, Dr Birger critically discussed the model of Public and Media Co-dissemination (PMC) used to disseminate the research findings and its ethical implications.



Date: Monday 12 July, 2021
Zoom Link: 
Speaker: May Nasrawy, Doctoral Researcher, Social Work & Social Care PhD

Surviving My ‘Online’ Viva: A final test, or a whole new beginning?

In this online presentation, May draws on her personal experience of having recently completed an online Viva to share some reflections on what it felt like to go through the process, how she prepared for it and, most importantly, what she learned from it.

If you have recently completed a Viva, have one coming up, or are just interested in what Vivas actually entail, please join us - for some personal reflections and an online celebration of the end of the 2021 DRiP seminar series!


Date: Thursday 10 December, 2020
Zoom Link: 
https://universityofsussex.zoom.us/j/96512205800 / Meeting ID: 965 1220 5800
Speaker: Emma Soye, Doctoral Researcher, Social Work & Social Care PhD

Reconceptualising 'Integration': A research journey

The ‘RefugeesWellSchool’ project aims to promote the wellbeing of young migrants and refugees by supporting their ‘integration’. Emma’s research on the project in two UK schools challenges the dominant ‘integration’ model.

In this Doctoral Research-in-Progress seminar, Emma proposes an alternative framework based on her findings and suggests implications for social and educational policy and practice.


Date: Thursday 5 November, 2020
Zoom Link: 
Speaker: May Nasrawy, Doctoral Researcher, Social Work & Social Care PhD

Living on the Margins: Understanding wellbeing through the everyday life experiences of young Arab Jerusalemites

In this Doctoral Research-in-Progress (DRiP) online seminar, May will describe her research journey, starting from the point she developed an interest in the topic, through to why and how she went about researching it. She will pause at various intervals throughout to highlight particular challenges encountered, how she dealt with them, and ultimately “found her voice” through the ‘messiness’ of it all!


Date:    Wednesday 16 October, 2019  
Jane Attenborough Studio, Attenborough Centre, University of Sussex
Speaker: Dr Sarah Andersen MBBS, MSc, DCH, DGM, MRCGP, GP at Herstmonceux Integrative - part of the ‘Futurehealth Brighton project

Singing For Wellbeing

An exploration of how community choir singing can affect women’s perceptions of their health and wellbeing in the UK and Norway and whether there is a role for social prescribing of singing by health professionals.

Featuring a live choir performance



Date:    Thursday 4 July, 2019  
Gardner Tower Room, Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, University of Sussex

  • Professor Kevin Fenton, Strategic Director, Place and Wellbeing, London Borough of Southwark / Senior Strategic Advisor, Public Health England
  • ProfessorJo Boyden, Professor of International Development, University of Oxford / Director, Young Lives
  • Prrofessor Paul Statham, Professor of Migration and Director of Sussex Centre for Migration Research
  • Dr Francesca Meloni, Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Northumbria University

Migration and Wellbeing: Summer Symposium

Focussing on a central theme of migration and wellbeing, this symposium will provide an opportunity to learn about cutting edge research that is transforming the wellbeing agenda, with profound implications for policy and practice in health and social care.

Symposium Chair: Professor Charles Watters


Date:    Thursday 7 February, 2019  
Time:   12-1pm  
Venue: Room G35, Jubilee Building, University of Sussex

  • Jane Traies, Research Associate, Sussex Centre for Cultural Studies, University of Sussex
  • Laia Becares, Senior Lecturer in Applied Social Science, Department of Social Work and Social Care, University of Sussex

The Health and Lives of Older Sexual Minority Women

Seminar promo: CIRW seminar promo: 7feb2019 [PDF 94.10KB]



Date:    Tuesday 27 June, 2017 
Time:   10am-4pm 
Venue: Tower Room, Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, University of Sussex

Emerging Paradigms in Wellbeing Research: Nature, minfulness and spirituality

Seminar promo: CIRW Summer Symposium promo poster: 27june2017 [PDF 244.10KB]

This symposium focused on three key strands of contemporary research that are reshaping the way we think about human wellbeing: nature, mindfulness and spirituality.

Key health service bodies such as Public Health England have noted growing research on the relationships with the natural environment that demonstrates profoundly positive impacts resulting from experience of, and engagement with, nature. This includes evidence of the benefits of exercising in a natural environment, known as ‘green exercise’. Accessing green and blue open spaces has also been demonstrated to have a therapeutic effect on certain mental health conditions.

There is a considerable body of research demonstrating the positive benefits of mindfulness practice for a range of health and mental health problems and growing evidence of the value of linking mindfulness with experience of natural environments.

Spirituality includes having a sense of meaning and purpose in life and practices of meditation and prayer have been shown to have positive impacts on wellbeing.

This symposium provided an opportunity to learn about cutting edge research in these three interrelated areas that are transforming the wellbeing agenda, with profound implications for policy and practice in health and social care.


Date:    Thursday 11 May, 2017 
Time:   1-2.30pm 
Venue: Room 135, Jubilee

Wellbeing in the NHS: An oxymoron?

Seminar promo: CIRW seminar promo: 11may2017 [PDF 117.66KB] 


Date:    Monday 29 February, 2016
Time:   4.30pm 
Venue: Room 118, Jubilee   
Speaker: Dr Caroline Humphrey, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, School of Social Sciences, University of Hull

A Buddhist Approach to Suffering: Living well and being well

Seminar promo:      CIRW seminar promo: 29feb2016 [DOC 143.50KB]
Seminar recording: https://adobeconnect.sussex.ac.uk/p8im7iksp75/


The Centre for Innovation and Research in Wellbeing co-hosted a seminar with the Sussex Centre for Migration Research as part of the latter's 'Migration Seminar Series':
Date: Wednesday 11 November, 2015
Time: 3.30-5pm
Venue: Global Studies Resource Centre
Speaker: Professor Ilse Derluyn, Centre for Children in Vulnerable Situations, Ghent University, Belgium

The Experiences of Resettled Refugees in Belgium


Date: 24/25 September, 2015       
Venue: Conference Centre in Bramber House, University of Sussex. 

  • Professor Jo Boyden, University of Oxford
  • Professor Charles Watters, University of Sussex
  • Professor Viginia Morrow, University of Oxford
  • Dr Gina Crivello, University of Oxford
  • Professor Janet Boddy, University of Sussex
  • Professor Paul Statham, University of Sussex
  • Professor Maya Unnithan, University of Sussex
  • Professor Ilse Derluyn, Ghent University
  • Penny Shimmin, Chief Executive, Sussex Community Development Association
  • Dr Elaine Chase, University of Oxford

Wellbeing and the Life Course: Intercultural and intergenerational perspectives

This event was delivered in conjunction with Young Lives - an international study of childhood poverty at the Department of International Development at the University of Oxford. It was framed around a number of themes and hosted a number of respected and influential speakers.