Chan Lab


We provide supports and adivces for expansion microscopy, high- and super-resolution imaging analysis on fixed and live-cell samples, and multi-colour FISH cytogenetics analysis. 

Please contact us if you need any help.

All researchers and students are welcome  : ) 


Cell lines available upon request:

  1. GM00637
  2. GM08505 Bloom's syndrome fibroblasts
  3. 1BR-hTERT, 82-6 hTERT, RPE1-hTERT, HS68
  4. MRC5-SV40 transformed
  5. HeLa 53BP1 complete knockout and hypomorphic cells (and complemented with WT EGFP-53BP1)
  6. RPE1-hTERT 53BP1 complete knockout and hypomorphic cells
  7. U2OS 53BP1 complete knockout and hypomorphic cells
  8. Saso2 53BP1 complete knockout and hypomorphic cells
  9. RPE1-hTERT +RPA70-EGFP / +H2Bj-mRFP / siRNA resistant EGFP-PICH (WT/ T1063A/ K128A)
  10. HAP1 BLM KO (+WT/a series of mutants of EGFP-BLM)
  11. HCT116 +siRNA resistant EGFP-TOP3A (WT/Y337F)
  12. HeLa +EGFP-TOP3A / +EGFP-RMI1
  13. HeLa +EGFP-TOP3A and CENPB-mCherry BLM
  14. U2OS +H2Bj-mRFP / +H2B-EGFP
  15. HeLa +H2B-EGFP