Department of Geography

Geographies of the Quaternary

February 28th– Geographies of the Quaternary

Peter Coxon, Geography, Trinity College Dublin

Mark Bateman, Geography, Sheffield

Chair: Julian Murton, Sussex

Peter Coxon Mark Bateman

Julian Murton, Peter Coxon and Mark BatemanJulian Murton, Peter Coxon and Mark Bateman

Quaternary science is intrinsically interdisciplinary, bringing together a wide range of natural sciences to reconstruct past environments of the last 2.6 million years. Sussex has contributed significantly to Quaternary science. On one hand, Sussex has produced world-leading and international research publications (Science, Nature), provided editorial guidance to Quaternary newsletters and journals (e.g. Quaternary Science Reviews) and contributed to research council funding panels (NERC), and on the other, it has organized local fieldtrips and written guidebooks that are so vital to stimulate local interest in Quaternary science and contribute to widening participation within the local community. Both activities are equally important to the long-term health and development of the subject.

 Our two eminent speakers, Professors Pete Coxon and Mark Bateman, have been asked to reflect on, within the context of Quaternary science, (a) the Sussex approach (e.g. interdisciplinarity) and (b) what this approach has contributed to geography and related disciplines, particularly Quaternary science. They will also consider how has Sussex influenced not only their own particular research but the wider Quaternary research sphere.

Listen to a recording of the debate:

50 years 8th Debate: Geographies of the Quaternary

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