Department of Geography

The economic and the social

January 10th  - The economic and the social

Andrew Sayer, Sociology, Lancaster

Adrian Smith, Geography, QMUL

Chair: Tony Fielding, Sussex

Adrian Smith, Andrew Sayer and Tony FieldingAdrian Smith, Andrew Sayer and Tony Fielding

Interdisciplinarity is one of the main themes of Sussex University's teaching and research, and who better to represent the best of that tradition than the first two speakers in our 50th anniversary series of Geography Debates! Andrew Sayer is probably even more famous for his contributions to sociology and to social theory than he is for his major contributions to economic and social geography. Adrian Smith likewise moves effortlessly across disciplinary boundaries as he explores the political economies and economic geographies of transition societies. Both speakers did their PhDs at Sussex, and both were Lecturers in Geography here during the early part of their academic careers. Their reflections on their research journeys, and hopefully also the roles that Sussex and Geography might have played in them should be fascinating.

Listen to a recording of the debate:

50 years: 1st Debate: The economic and the social

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