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Psychology talks - Saturday 5 June 2021
9.30am and 1.30pm


This session will include a 30 minute overview talk on studying Psychology at Sussex and what makes us different, followed by a Q&A with faculty and current students. We are looking forward to answering all your questions and hope this session will give you the opportunity to find out everything you want to know about the course, careers, admissions, and life as a Sussex Psychology student.

Join the 9.30am Psychology Zoom session.

Join the 1.30pm Psychology Zoom session

Psychology taster sessions

When eyewitnesses fail

This 30 minute taster lecture introduces you to the world of forensic psychology and eyewitness testimony. Dr Graham Hole explores the validity of eyewitness accounts within the context of his internationally respected research on face processing. You will experience first hand some of the limitations and biases of eyewitness testimony and will begin to realise how vital it is that we think critically before allowing eyewitness accounts to shape judicial judgements.

An introduction to statistical modelling in psychology

In this 30 minute taster session, applicants can get a feel for how statistics are taught in the School of Psychology at Sussex. Multi-award winner Prof Andy Field introduces the concept of statistical modelling and explains why statistics in psychology is really not as scary as many applicants think (with the help of an angry Dalek).

Why Psychology at Sussex?

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Contact us

For more information on Psychology, please email Dr Dave Smalley on

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