Masters and PhD live webchats

Our Masters and PhD live webchats are delivered online by our UK postgraduate specialists and members of our International Team and are suitable for anyone interested in postgraduate study.

A group of students smiling in a study booth

Booking a webinar

New webinars will be available for booking in September 2024.

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The University of Sussex Business School invites you to get a taste of your Masters course at our mini lecture on 7 June at 10am– 11am.

Businesses face a number of challenges in managing the environmental and social sustainability of their activity as supply chains have become increasingly global. 

Join Professor Adrian Smith as he explores the main challenges faced by businesses operating in the European agrifood sector, with supply chains across Europe (and beyond). He’ll examine the social and employment consequences of how supply chains are organised and will look at some of the main ways in which businesses and their stakeholders are attempting to manage those risks.

In this webinar, you’ll also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your course and studying at Sussex.