Dr Rob Sharp's research

Cartoon of two people in the gym lifting weightsStill from participatory media project with participants going through asylum process in Gateshead, UK (2019)

Dr Rob Sharp is a Lecturer in Media, Journalism and Cultural Studies.

His research comprises two strands: firstly, he researches the relationship between performativity, citizenship, voice and the politics of recognition, particularly in relation to those without formal citizenship rights. He is currently researching recognition in terms of those displaced by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. His monograph Refugee Voice: Performativity and the Struggle for Recognition is forthcoming from Routledge.

Secondly, he is interested in the boundary work constructed between journalism and humanitarian communication. His work has been published or is forthcoming in peer-reviewed journals including Media, War and Conflict, the International Communication Gazette and Journalism Studies. As a journalist his work has been featured in openDemocracy, Calvert Journal, frieze and Art Review.