Dr Allam Ahmed
PhD MSc BSc (Hons) FAWB FCIM Chartered Marketer
(Latest Book: January 2017) Managing knowledge and innovation for business sustainability in Africa". Palgrave Macmillan, London: UK
Forthcoming Talks:
United Nations, Geneve, Switzerland, April 2018
Allam joint SPRU in 2004 and in 2006 he established and led the postgraduate programme MSc International Management. Allam is the Founding President of World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) and all its journal; Founding Director of Middle Eastern Knowledge Economy Institute (MEKEI), and the Founder of the International Diaspora Project (Sudan Knowledge). In 2009 Allam led the Government of Abu Dhabi major and first of its kind in the Middle East Knowledge Management Framework (Musharaka). His work featured and archived by major international institutions and top universities such as World Bank; United Nations; European Commission; UK Department for International Development (DFID); Governmnet of St Lucia; World Food Programme, FAO; Imperial College London; Cambridge; Oxford; Princeton; Yale; Harvard; MIT; Stanford; Toronto; USA Congress; British Library; etc. Expert Advisor to the European Commission on International Scientific Cooperation (2006-2008); International Co-ordinator UNESCO Chair on Transfer of Technology (UNESCOTT) (2008-); and Advisor African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) (2011-2013).
Allam completed his Ph.D. in Technology and Knowledge Transfer for Development in two years and his PhD research is one of the first detailed analysis of identifying an additional technological gaps within DCs mainly African that hindering the effective and efficient transfer of technology within DCs with the Sudan Gezira Scheme (largest agricultural scheme under one administration in Africa) used as a case study. He is the recipient of the Royal Agricultural University (RAU) (first agricultural college in the English speaking world) Scholarship and Prestigious Book Prize for Best MSc/MBA Dissertation. He is a Fellow and Chartered Marketer of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK and the recipient of several international Awards and Medals for contribution to International scientific Research and listed in the WHO'S WHO IN THE WORLD 2009-2017, WHO'S WHO IN FINANCE and BUSINESS 2009/2010 and WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA 2012, 2014 published by Marquis Who’s Who, USA.
Allam has travelled and worked in almost all continents of the world including substantial experience in Africa, Middle East and Europe. His main areas of research focus on: (a) the role of science, technology and innovation (STI) in achieving sustainable development (SD). This covers topics relating to knowledge and technology transfer and management; productivity gap analysis and modelling; SD; industry and sustainability; achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); and marketing and commercialisation of technological products and innovation and (b) globalisation and competitiveness. This cover topics relating to marketing; strategic management; entrepreneurship; and government macroeconomic policies. His work is distinctive within the wider academic community as it focuses on the poor (and some of the poorest) nations. This has led Allam into various collaborations with different distinguished scholars across the UK and the world and to various invitations to guest-edit journal special issues and to give keynote speeches at international conferences.
Allam is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (WJSTSD); World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (WJEMSD); Palgrave Studies of Sustainable Business in Africa; World Sustainable Development Outlook; Globalisation, Technology and Sustainable Development; and MENA Book Series.
Allam has consulted extensively for the World Bank, UN, European Union, referee for the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Dutch Research Council (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research), World Food Programme, FAO, Oxford University Press and for various governments, in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. He also led seminars and workshops in sustainable development; knowledge management; technology transfer and commercialisation; strategic planning and leadership; curriculum design and delivery of UK and overseas programmes; marketing; management; leadership development; etc.
For more than 20 years, Allam has presented many keynote and public speeches to a wide range of audience drawn from academic institutions, industries and international organisations from a broad range of backgrounds, post and under-graduate students, senior and middle management to government officials and trainees at all levels. You can watch videos of some talks and interviews below.
If you have any media/press inquiries or looking for an expert comment on a particular subject please visit Allam Personal Website for more details and check my contact details above.
Tunisian Management Science Society, Tunis, Tunisia 2018
Ministry of Higher Education, Rabat, Morocco 2017
Global Youth Forum, Dubai, UAE 2017
Westminister Higher Education Forum, London, UK 2016
UNICEF, London, UK 2017
United Nations, Abu Dhabi, UAE 2010
Government of Bahrain, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, 2017
Associated Press, London, UK 2016
Abu Dhabi TV, Abu Dhabi, UAE 2011
Kuwait TV 2014, Kuwait City, Kuwait 2014
Saudi Arabia TV, Manama, Knigdom of Bahrain 2013
Alshorooq TV, Dubai, UAE 2011
Ahlia University, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain 2009
Lancaster Conference, London, UK 2014
Ugandan Government Convention, London, UK 2014
TEDxKhartoum, Khartoum, Sudan 2013
Government of Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UK 2011
Sudan TV (Parts 1&2), Khartoum, Sudan 2016
School Investigating Officer (2013-2017)
Founding Director - MSc International Management (2006-2010)
Admission Tutor for Business Studies (2004-2005)
Community and Business
(2000/01) President- Sudanese Community in Scotland, Edinburgh: UK
(2003-04) Member- Circle 33 Housing Association, London: UK
(1996-99) Member- Victoria Overseas League, Edinburgh: UK
(1996-97) Volunteer- Third World First (OXFAM), Oxford: UK
(1998-99) Volunteer- Leukaemia and Cancer Children’s Fund, Edinburgh: UK
(1996-97) Volunteer- Cirencester Life Style, Cirencester: England