The Exchange

The Exchange is an initiative from the University of Sussex to encourage free expression, lively debate and the exchange of thoughts and ideas.

The Exchange: A place to share ideas

Through live events and digital content, The Exchange will invite energetic and diverse voices from within and outside our University community to spark discussions and offer fresh perspectives on the issues they care about.

The Exchange is the University of Sussex at its very best: challenging convention, thinking critically, changing minds - and having our own minds changed. It is the Sussex spirit we experience every day on our campus.

Ideas are tested, expanded, cut back, challenged, considered and even rejected. Ideas are how change happens and society advances. But before that can happen, they need to be shared.

The Exchange – a place to share ideas.

The Exchange on Medium

10 December 2018: Why are we kind?

Post by Jo Cutler (Doctoral Tutor, Psychology, University of Sussex)

My PhD uses techniques from psychology and neuroscience to better understand altruism and the factors which make us more or less likely to give. Combined with research from labs across the world, we can identify a number of possible motivations for kindness. Read more.

31 October 2018: We need to talk about snowflakes...

Post by Adam Tickell (Vice-Chancellor and President, University of Sussex)

If you believe some commentators, we are witnessing a widespread chilling of free speech on university campuses, driven by a ‘snowflake’ generation who are too delicate to hear discordant opinions. So, does ‘generation snowflake’ exist? Read more.

19 October 2018: Are you as hard as ice or a total melt?

Post by Izzy Langstone (Media and Communications BA at Sussex)

With almost daily newspaper headlines about the banning of clapping, the boycotting of events featuring controversial speakers and the offence caused by…well just about everything — students come under a lot of criticism in the snowflake debate — but is there any truth to it? Read more.

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