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The 2024 Business and Modern Slavery Research Conference will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday 10-11 September in-person and will be hosted by the University of Sussex Business School, Falmer, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 9RH. This conference is co-organised by Hult International Business School.
Abusive labour practices and the business systems that produce, accentuate, and shelter them are increasingly exercising policymakers around the world. As this trend has grown, both scholars and industry experts have undertaken research which is broad in scope, transcending disciplinary boundaries, and offers insights into management practices and working conditions. This conference brings together researchers in the growing research community from across business disciplines to develop ongoing work and build links with peers towards future endeavours, offering a mixture of in-depth analysis and a platform to discuss alternative paths on topics related to modern slavery.
A discounted rate is offered to PhD students. University of Sussex staff are also entitled to a discounted rate, please contact for more info.
Register here today.
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