Sussex European Institute

ECPR Workshop

European Consortium for Political ResearchEPERN
Joint Sessions of Workshops
Turin, 22 - 25 March 2002

On March 22nd-25th 2002 members of the EPERN network were involved in a workshop on 'Opposing Europe and Political Parties' at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshop in Turin. The workshop included a conceptual and comparative overview of the party politics of Euroscepticism in EU Member and Candidate States. Other theoretical and comparative papers covered: East European exceptionalism, party strategies in competitive party systems, Euro-hostile non-voting in European parliamentary elections, transnational party linkages, comparisons of Euroscepticism in the European and national parliaments, and institutional setting and political agency. There were also country case studies of party-based Euroscepticism (or the lack of it) in: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Norway, Spain, the UK and the European Parliament. There were also comparative and theoretical papers.

Downloadable copies of all the papers are available on the ECPR website at