Student projects
Photoionisation of calcium atoms
The goal of this project is to compare the photoionisation ion trap loading technique for two different sources of neutral calcium atoms: one in which atoms are created by a resistively heated oven and the other in which atoms are created through the process of pulsed laser ablation (PLA).
EOM-based optical frequency comb
Development of an EOM-based optical frequency comb for high resolution spectroscopy. (Katrina Morgan (2010-11))
Frequency doubling of an IR diode laser
In order to generate UV laser radiation, the light of an IR diode laser is frequency doubled by an intra-cavity non-linear crystal.
The goal of this project is to design, plan and build a frequency doubled diode laser system consisting of an IR diode laser and an optical cavity to enhance the laser power. (Stephen Downs (2009-10), Amy Gardner (2010-11), April Cridland (2012-13), Ryan Hicks (2013-14))
Fast piezo-based pulsed valve
To inject a well controlled amount of gas into a vacuum system, a very fast valve is required. In this project a fast piezo-based pulsed valve is developed and caracterised. (Seb Weidt (2008-09), Kornelia Lencz (2009-10))
Spectroscopy of atomic caesium
For the experiments in the ITCM-group, a highly stable reference laser is required to stabilise optical cavities and other lasers which are used for laser cooling, pumping and re-pumping. A laser is stabilised to the D1 tranisition in atomic caesium using a range of different spectroscopy methods and their stability is compared. (Terry Mozley (2009-10))
Microcontroller based control system
Development of a versatile electronic control system based on a micro-controller. The freely programmable system can be utilised as a PID controller, electronic filter or a control unit for a scanning cavity lock. (Harry Laan (2009-10), Andrew Trimm (2010-11), Billy Michael (2013-14))