Sustainability frontiers
The research in this theme investigates the methods, practices, governance, institutions, trade relations and partnerships necessary for achieving sustainable development and education. The projects primarily focus on the SDGs for Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8), Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12), Quality Education (SDG 4), and Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17), and especially on interactions among the goals.
- Achieving sustainable trade post-Brexit: the UK and beyond
- Blockchains for sustainability
- Financial crises and environmental sustainability
- Promoting climate action awareness for Ugandan youth
- Prospects for decent work in green economy initiatives after multiple shocks
- SDG17++: Managing cross disciplinary trade-offs for sustainable development
- Uncertain pedagogies for youth and community resilience (follow-on project 1: Creating with Uncertainty. Covid recovery to educate for sustainable futures) (follow-on project 2: Connecting young people through improvised collaborative storytelling for sustainable futures)