Sussex Writes

Sussex Writes written on a light turquoise background with an image of the Royal Pavilion

Sussex Writes is an outstanding outreach project, dedicated to making communities of creative writers and exploring the place of creative exchange in building resilience and possibility. Led by Emma Newport, it was established in 2017 and connects with secondary schools, youth charities and other community organisations across the region. Having previously worked with over 15 schools in the Sussex region, currently, Sussex Writes is running pilots of online tutoring with the Ormiston Academy network, which includes 40 schools and approximately 30,000 pupils, and with the Red Balloon Centre in Reading, an organisation that specialises in educating young people who have self-excluded from or otherwise left mainstream education.

Picking up on creative possibilities with other partners, from the Big Sing! with Glyndebourne and East Sussex Music, to the Orlando Project at Charleston, Sussex Writes has expanded its capacity to work in further forms of writing engagement, included funded literacy projects, and most recently working during Covid lockdown internationally with Kenya's Youth Cafe. This has led to a major SSRP-IDCF funded project in the Sussex Sustainability Research programme, focusing on youth mental health in the global south. Emma's work with Sussex Writes and the students who participate in taking it forward is notable for its use of creative methodologies to strengthen community engagement, raise attainment, and work co-creatively with marginalised and disadvantaged groups, including helping young people develop psychosocial and interpersonal and employability skills, for which she received the Sussex Better World Award in 2020.

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