Dr Charlotte Morris
Alongside research interests in Sociology of Personal Life, gender, families, relationships, work and care I have worked as a researcher in the field of higher education. My doctoral thesis in the field of Gender Studies (2014) investigated UK heterosexual single mothers' narratives of intimacy. I am currently investigating experiences of women early career academics, feminist pedagogies in higher education and student wellbeing and transitions. My journey of higher education research began in 2005, working on projects relating to student mental health at Anglia Ruskin University. I then spent five years (2006 - 2011) as a professional researcher in the Centre for Learning and Teaching at the University of Brighton where I completed projects in doctoral learning, students with hidden disabilities, student mental health and wellbeing, student parents and carers and inclusive teaching practices. I have also worked as a Student Support and Guidance Tutor, offering pastoral care and academic support to students at the University of Brighton, as a Sage Research Hive Scholar, developing peer learning and support for doctoral researchers, and as a Research Fellow with the Centre for Higher Education & Equity Research (CHEER) at the University of Sussex. I am still very much involved with the work of the centre and also serve on my School's Equality, diversity and inclusion committee. I teach on courses related to education, sociology, gender and research methods.
Selected Publications:
Morris, C. and Munt, S.R. (2019) Classed formations of shame in white, British single mothers. Feminism & Psychology. ISSN 0959-3535
Morris, C. (2019) ‘Inclusivity for student carers in Higher Education’ in Krcmar, K. (editor) The Inclusivity Gap (e-book), Inspired by Learning, UK.
Morris, C. (2018) The significance of friendship in heterosexual single mothers' intimate lives. Families, Relationships and Society. Currently available online as a 'fast track' publication: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tpp/frs
Morris, Boyce, Cornwall, Frith, Harvey and Huang (editors) (2018) Researching sex and Sexualities, edited collection for Zed Publishing, UK.
(Book chapter) (2018) ‘Mum’s the word: single mothers talking (or not) about sex’ for edited collection (see above)
Morris, C. (2015)‘Considerations of Equality in the intimacy narratives of single mothers’ (2015), Special Issue of Sociological Research Online on Intimacy and Equality.
Morris, C. and Wisker, G (2013) ‘Developing academic confidence in Doctoral Learners’, Research in Education, University of Brighton Press.
Morris, C. (May, 2013) ‘What is researcher wellbeing and how can we manage and nurture it?’ Guardian Higher Education Online. http://www.guardian.co.uk/higher-education-network/blog/2013/may/20/researcher-wellbeing-staying-productive.
Morris, C (2013) ‘Starting Well: Positive practices in enhancing first year undergraduate wellbeing and retention’. Learning and Teaching Conference Publication, University of Brighton Press.
Morris, C. (2011) ‘Positive strategies to enhance the learning of students with Asperger Syndrome’ in Learning and Teaching Conference Publication, University of Brighton Press.
Morris, C. (2011) ‘Open Minds: Towards a Mentally Well University’ in Marshall and Morris (eds.) Taking Wellbeing Forward in Higher Education: Reflections on Theory and Practice, University of Brighton Press.
Morris, C. with Wisker, Cheng, Warnes, Robinson, Trafford and Lilly (2011) ‘Wellbeing and the Research Student’ in Marshall and Morris (eds.) (2011) Taking Wellbeing Forward in Higher Education: Reflections on Theory and Practice, University of Brighton Press.
Morris, C. (2010) ‘Enhancing student mental wellbeing and success through inclusive practices’, Journal of Inclusive Practices, National Association of Disability Practitioners, UK.
Wisker, Morris et al. (2009) ‘Doctoral learning journeys: supporting and enhancing doctoral students' research and related skills development through research evidence-based practices’, Assessment, Learning & Teaching (5), 19-22.
Contribution to Wisker and Exley et al. (eds.) (2007) Working One-to-One with Students: Supervising, Coaching, Mentoring, and Personal Tutoring (Key Guides for Effective Teaching in Higher Education), Palgrave Macmillan: New York.
Morris (2016) Student Parents at the University of Brighton Report: Learning and Teaching Fellowship project, 2015 – 2016.
Morris and Wisker (2011) Troublesome Encounters: Strategies for managing the wellbeing of Postgraduate Education students during their learning processes. Higher Education Academy funded project 2010 – 2011.
Wisker, Morris et al. (2010) Doctoral Learning Journeys Final Report. Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellowship Scheme Project 2007 – 2010.
Morris (2010) Open Minds Final Report: Student Mental Health and Wellbeing at the University of Brighton. HEFCE Widening Participation funded Centre for Learning and Teaching project, 2008 – 2010.
Lecturer in Education
Module convenor: Cradle to the Grave (Education & Social Work foundation year)
Module convenor: BA Childhood and Youth Inclusion, Diversity & Equity
Tutor: Academic Development
Member of the Centre for Higher Education & Equity Research
PhD Gender Studies
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
PG Cert Higher Education
PG Cert Applied Social Research
MA Women's Studies
BA (Hons) English Literature
Charlotte convened a symposium: 'Researching sex and intimacy in contemporary life: an interdisciplinary symposium'held in July 2014 in the School of Law, Politics and Sociology, funded by Researcher-led Initiative funding. This was followed by an International conference on 'Researching sex and sexualities' in 2015 supported by the School of Global Studies, Centre for Gender Studies and Centre for Life History and Life Writing, with Professor Ken Plummer as keynote. These events led to a published edited collection (Zed Books, 2018).
In 2016 - 2017 Charlotte led a working group which looked at ways of responding to the current political environment in higher education clasroom settings and co-convened an event on 'Teaching in Turbulent Times' at the Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts in September 2017 with the University of Sussex Academic Development and Quality Enhancement unit. Leading on from this work she co-convened a reading group on 'Liberatory Pedagogies' which is ongoing - contact Charlotte for further details. Read Charlotte's blog on Teaching in Turbulent Times here: https://teachinginturbulenttimes.wordpress.com/
Charlotte is a member of the Equality and Diversity committee for the School of Education & Social Work and is a member of the Centre for Higher education & equity research (CHEER)
Further Presentations include:
‘Student carers and belonging’ Centre for Higher Education Equity Research Symposium, BERA conference, University of Sussex, September 2017.
‘Doctoral journeys and becoming academic: Troublesomeness, identity and belonging’ at University of Sussex Postgraduate conference, May 2017.
‘Student parents at the University of Brighton’, Project dissemination event, University of Brighton, October 2015
‘Enhancing the learning experiences of student parents at the University of Brighton’, University of Brighton Learning and Teaching conference, July 2015
‘Heterosexual single mothers’ accounts of sex, dating and intimacy’, Researching sex and intimacy symposium, University of Sussex, July 2014
'Pride and shame in single mothers narratives', Biannual Narrative conference, University of Huddersfield, June 2014.
'Considerations of Equality in the intimacy narratives of single mothers', Gender, Intimacy and Equality conference. Institution of Education, London, April 2014
'Narratives of becoming a single mother' NOVELLA seminar series on narrative, Thomas Coran Institute, London, February 2014.
Invited speaker at University of Sussex Researcher Wellbeing Week 2012: ‘Strategies for research students to develop academic confidence’
'Unsettled scripts: intimacy narratives of lone mothers in a post-feminist generation’ Proximities: Thinking about Relationality: An International Conference, University of Manchester, September 2011
'Pathways to Success: Enhancing the research student learning experience' at the University of Strathclyde and University of Brighton, June 2011 (symposium convenor)
Keynote on student mental health at 'Mind Matters' conference, School of Health Sciences, University of Liverpool, 2010
'Enhancing student mental wellbeing through inclusive practices', Higher Education Academy Inclusivity conference, Nottingham, 2010
'Positive strategies to enhance the learning of students with Asperger Syndrome', University of Brighton Learning and Teaching conference 2010
'Doctoral Learning Journeys', EARLI, Amsterdam, 2009
'Doctoral Learning Journeys', Staff and Educational Development Association conference, Brighton, 2009