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Philanthropy at Sussex: Investing in research potential
By: Emma Wigmore
Last updated: Wednesday, 15 January 2025

The 2024 cohort of Junior Research Associates

Junior Research Associates with their posters
The Junior Research Associate (JRA) Scheme at Sussex provides an opportunity for high performing students of any discipline to undertake original research projects during the summer of their middle year of study. The eight-week Scheme provides students considering a career in research with comprehensive training, networking opportunities, and access to university resources. It also provides them with the opportunity to consider whether academic research is a career they would like to pursue.
The JRA Scheme empowers students to explore their academic interests, to develop essential research skills, and build their self-confidence.
In fact, many JRAs continue their research beyond the programme, making it an excellent stepping stone for those considering postgraduate education. Ultimately, the initiative aims to make the prospect of a career in academic research more realistic and exciting for aspiring scholars.
Supported by the Sussex Fund and the Kroto-Walton fund, all students accepted onto the Scheme receive a bursary, widening access even to those who face financial challenges. In 2024, we were able to offer this life-changing opportunity to 70 undergraduates, also increasing the bursary so that it matched the National Living Wage.
The programme culminates with a poster exhibition to display students’ research findings. In addition, JRAs get to represent Sussex at the annual British Council of Undergraduate Research (BCUR), and to attend the annual ‘Posters in Parliament’ at Westminster every year, presenting their research to politicians and policymakers.
Highlighting the impact that the programme can have, one recent JRA student said:
“The Scheme was absolutely incredible. Students find pursuing academic research challenging because there are numerous barriers to access. Having a bursary was brilliant! Many academic research programmes do not pay very well, so students can’t afford to enrol on them. The opportunity to research something I was interested in and to be paid for it, whilst at the same time connecting with the wider Sussex community is something really special. I am proud to be a Sussex student, and I am eternally grateful to have been accepted into the Scheme.”
However, it is not only our students who benefit from the programme. Our early career academics do too, as Professor Wendy Brown, Head of Department of Chemistry explains:
“We allocate JRA students to our early career faculty. This helps them get their independent research careers off to an excellent start, not only by giving them experience of student supervision, but by providing a willing pair of hands to get their research started. We find that the early career staff give the JRA students excellent supervision as they often work alongside them in the laboratory, thereby providing the students with a really positive experience.”
It costs £3,500 to support a Junior Research Associate. The JRA Scheme is an investment in the future of research and innovation, so by making a gift to the Sussex Fund you can feel proud that you are playing your part in it. If you would like to support a JRA proposal, please email