Student Sport and Physical Activity Survey Results - 2022 until now
By: Liv Connor
Last updated: Thursday, 6 June 2024

Since 2022 and the recent follow up survey in 2024, we have had a greater percentage of respondents cite the gym as their main form of exercise (from 44% to 52%).
Academic commitments and cost have remained the top two barriers to participation over the past two years.
Another constant involves students’ motivations to exercise, which were (and still are) health, fitness, wellbeing and social inclusion.
‘Lower costs’ and ‘better facilities’ still top the list of student demands two years later but ‘more free time’ and ‘more facilities near residences’ have emerged as other important requests.
Across the past two years of responses there has been a positive correlation not only between activity and higher degree results, but also between exercise and wellbeing.
At Sussexsport, we have answered calls for better facilities where feasible by increasing our range of fitness equipment (including adding glute drives at both centres), revamping the Sport Centre gym with a matted free weights area and replacing old machines across both sites. We have also resurfaced the very popular small 3G pitch with a football specific carpet.
Head of Sport Simon Tunley said: "The survey has been a great opportunity for Sussexsport to hear about how our student community are being physically active. The results again highlight the importance of the sport and physical activity offer at Sussex and that health and wellbeing are the main drivers for our students to be active.
"We have had some great feedback from our users on changes Sussexsport have already made this year and we will continue to make improvements where we can and continue to support the student experience on campus."
We would also like to hear from our staff users, and our staff survey is currently live.