Writing About Values


The project team consists of the following people:

Dr Matthew Easterbrook has conducted research with many schools and colleges across Sussex. His research investigates how we can best utilise social psychological processes to understand and appease the detrimental effects of disadvantage and stigma.

Professor Pete Harris has an international reputation for his research on the use of value exercises in health, and has extensive experience in designing and conducting studies involving value exercises.

Professor Robin Banerjee has developed and evaluated numerous school-based strategies to support pupils' social and emotional functioning.

Dr Marlon Nieuwenhuis has experience with running large research projects on employee well-being and conducted studies on higher education access in schools.

Kerry Fox has experience of designing and running multiple studies involving value exercises in the health domain.



If you would like to know more about the project please get in touch.

Email: writingaboutvalues@sussex.ac.uk

Office: 01273 876561

Mobile: 07561 261586 (Marlon Nieuwenhuis)

Mobile: 07856848885 (Kerry Fox)