
Former EDGE Lab members

Postgraduate students:

Charlotte Kemp (MSc Cognitive Neuroscience): 'Effects of adverse life events on amygdala and hippocampal volumes'.

Ekin Secinti (MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health): 'Effects of childhood chronic physical illness on emotional problems across the life course'.

Amy Sands (MSc Applied Social Psychology): 'Parental separation in childooh and adult psychopathology'. 

Undergraduate students:

Laura Brennan (BSc Psychology): 'Effects of parental divorce and remarrage on offspring emotional problems in adulthood'.

Vicky Moules (BSc Psychology): 'Maternal and paternal parental influences on offspring attentional biases towards emotional stimuli'.

Nadine Myers (BSc Psychology): 'Role of parenting on mental health in Black African and Black Carribean young adults'.

Zakiya Reid-Wisdom (BSc Psychology): 'Cross-cultural differences and similarities in attentional biases towards emotional stimuli'.

Ruby Whish (BSc Psychology): 'Negative parenting and offsping attentional biases and emotional problems'.

Postgraduate students:

Eleni Iasonidou (MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health):

Myrto Peristiani (MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health):

Jessica Warrilow (MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health):

Undergraduate students:

Chelsea Coleman (BSc Psychology): 'Exploration of the relationship between socio-economic status and emotional problems across the life course'

Rebecca Kuye (BSc Psychology): 'Resilience against adverse childhood experiences: combating the development of emotional problems with education'

Evgenia Larsinou (BSc Psychology): 'Maternal parenting influences on internalising and externalising problems in young adults from the UK and Greece'

Rebekah Moore (BSc Psychology): 'The cumulative effect of adverse experiences during childhood on later life mental health'

Olivia Waisman-Garzon: (BSc Psychology): 'Paternal influences on young adult's internalising and externalising problems across 4 countries'


Postgraduate students:

Urvisha Patel (MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health):

Dan Casey (MSc Experimental Psychology):

Paul Rainey (MSc Experimental Psychology):

International Research internship student: Diana Falvo, University of Rome La Sapienza

Undergraduate students:

Oliver Lovick (BSc Psychology)

Katherine Jarrold (BSc Psychology)

Laura Spink (BSc Psychology)

Kai Brathwaite (BSc Psychology)

Caitlin Rabone (BSc Psychology)

Emma Scales (BSc Psychology)

Katy Francis (BSc Psychology)