Photo of Anastasia ChristouAnastasia Christou

Selected publications


Kaur, Raminder, O'Neill, Maggie, Henry, Nicola, Benson, Krista, Christou, Anastasia and Cruz, Cindy (2018) [Virtual roundtable on mapping gendered violence] Can we know no? Reflections on domestic violence in the transit lounge of Mishti Gals. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 39 (2). pp. 233-264. ISSN 0160-9009

King, Russell and Christou, Anastasia (2014) Second-generation “return” to Greece: new dynamics of transnationalism and integration. International Migration, 52 (6). pp. 85-99. ISSN 0020-7985

King, Russell, Christou, Anastasia, Goodson, Ivor and Teerling, Janine (2014) Tales of satisfaction and disillusionment: second-generation “return” migration to Greece and Cyprus. Diaspora, 17 (3). pp. 262-287. ISSN 1044-2057

King, Russell and Christou, Anastasia (2011) Gendering counter-diasporic migration: second-generation Greek-Americans and Greek-Germans narrate their 'homecoming' to Greece. Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 20 (2). pp. 283-314.

King, Russell and Christou, Anastasia (2011) Of counter-diaspora and reverse transnationalism: return mobilities to and from the ancestral homeland. Mobilities, 6 (4). pp. 451-466. ISSN 1745-0101

Christou, Anastasia (2011) Narrating lives in (e)motion: embodiment and belongingness in diasporic spaces of home and return. Emotion, Space and Society, 4 (4). pp. 249-257. ISSN 1755-4586

King, Russell, Christou, Anastasia and Teerling, Janine (2011) 'We took a bath with the chickens': memories of childhood visits to the homeland by second-generation Greek and Greek Cypriot 'returnees'. Global Networks, 11 (1). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1470-2266

Christou, Anastasia and King, Russell (2010) Imagining "home": Diasporic landscapes of the Greek-German second generation. Geoforum, 41 (4). pp. 638-646. ISSN 0016-7185

King, Russell and Christou, Anastasia (2010) Cultural geographies of counter-diasporic migration: perspectives from the study of second-generation 'returnees' to Greece. Population, Space and Place, 16 (2). pp. 103-119. ISSN 1544-8444

Christou, Anastasia (2010) [Review] Katerina Zacharia (ed; 2008) Hellenisms: culture, identity and ethnicity from antiquity to modernity. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36 (4). pp. 708-709. ISSN 1369-183X

Christou, Anastasia (2010) [Review] Nelly Elias (2008) Coming home: media and returning diaspora in Israel and Germany. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36 (8). pp. 1354-1355. ISSN 1369-183X

Christou, Anastasia (2010) [Review] Philip Kasinitz, John Mollenkopf, Mary C Waters and Jennifer Holdaway (2008) Inheriting the city: the children of immigrants come of age. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36 (9). pp. 1527-1528. ISSN 1369-183X

Christou, Anastasia (2009) Telling diaspora stories: theoretical and methodological reflections on narratives of migrancy and belongingness in the second generation. Migration Letters, 6 (2). pp. 143-153. ISSN 1741-8984

Christou, Anastasia (2008) Agency, networks and policy: the case of Poles in Greece. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 6 (3). pp. 312-325. ISSN 1556-2948

Christou, Anastasia (2008) Spaces of Europe, places of homeland: Greek-Danish diaspora life in narratives of home and return. International Journal of Multicultural Societies, 10 (2). pp. 194-207. ISSN 1817-4574


Christou, Anastasia and King, Russell (2015) Counter-diaspora: the Greek second generation returns 'home'. Cultural Politics, Socioaesthetics, Beginnings, 6 . Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. ISBN 9780674420069

Book Section

Krummel, Sharon (2017) Migrant women, place and identity in contemporary women’s writing. In: Oso, Laura, Grosfoguel, Ramon and Christou, Anastasia (eds.) Interrogating intersectionalities, gendering mobilities, racializing transnationalism. Routledge. ISBN 9780415786973

Christou, Anastasia and King, Russell (2011) Diaspora, migration and transnationalism: insights from the study of second-generation 'returnees'. In: Bauböck, Rainer and Faist, Thomas (eds.) Diaspora and transnationalism: concepts, theories and methods. IMISCOE Research . Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam. ISBN 9789089642387

Christou, Anastasia and King, Russell (2010) Movements between ‘white’ Europe and America: Greek migration to the United States. In: Knott, Kim and McLoughlin, Seán (eds.) Diasporas: concepts, identities, intersections. Zed Books, London, pp. 181-186. ISBN 9781842779477

Christou, Anastasia (2010) Translocal geographies: multi-sited encounters of Greek migrants in Athens, Berlin and New York. In: Brickell, Katherine and Datta, Ayona (eds.) Translocal geographies : spaces, places, connections. Ashgate, pp. 145-162. ISBN 9780754678380

Christou, Anastasia (2010) Migrating gender and spatialising belongingness: femininities and masculinities in the diaspora. In: Krasteva, A, Kasabova, A and Karabinova, D (eds.) Migrations from and to Southeastern Europe. Longo Editore. ISBN 9788880636229

Christou, Anastasia and King, Russell (2010) Movements between 'white' Europe and America: Greek migration to the United States. In: Knott, Kim and McLoughlin, Sean (eds.) Diasporas: concepts, indenties, intersections. Zed. ISBN 9781842779484

Christou, Anastasia (2009) Emulating the homeland - engendering the nation: agency, belonging, identity and gender in second-generation Greek-American return-migrant life stories. In: Conway, Dennis and Potter, Robert B (eds.) Return migration of the next generations: 21st century transnational mobility. Ashgate, pp. 101-116. ISBN 9780754673736

Christou, Anastasia (2009) No place is (like) home: mobilities, memories and metamorphoses of Greek migrants in Denmark. In: Tziovas, Dimitris (ed.) Greek diaspora and migration since 1700 : society, politics and culture. Ashgate Publishing, pp. 83-96. ISBN 9780754666097

Christou, Anastasia (2008) Narrating diasporic imaginations: life stories of second generation Greek-American and Greek-Danish return migrants. In: Nowicka, Ewa and Firouzbakhch, Homa (eds.) Homecoming: an anthropology of return migrations. Nomos: Krakow, Poland, pp. 45-58. ISBN 9788360490594

Edited Book

King, Russell, Christou, Anastasia and Levitt, Peggy, eds. (2014) Links to the diasporic homeland: second generation and ancestral ‘return’ mobilities. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415745154

Edited Special Journal Issue

King, Russell and Christou, Anastasia, eds. (2011) Links to the diasporic homeland: second-generation and ancestral 'return' mobilities. Mobilities, 6 (4). ISSN 1745-0101

Reports and working papers

King, Russell, Christou, Anastasia and Ahrens, Jill (2010) From first-generation guestworkers to second-generation transnationalists: Greek-Germans engage with the 'homeland'. Working Paper. University of Sussex, Brighton.

King, Russell, Christou, Anastasia and Teerling, Janine (2009) Idyllic Times and Spaces? Memories of Childhood Visits to the Parental Homeland by Second-Generation Greeks and Cypriots. Working Paper. University of Sussex, Brighton.

King, Russell and Christou, Anastasia (2008) Cultural Geographies of Counter-Diasporic Migration: The Second Generation Returns 'Home'. Working Paper. Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex, UK.