Nixon Lab

People and contacts

Pricipal Investigator

 Professor John Nixon FRS

Prof. John F. Nixon FRS  is currently Professor of Chemistry at the University of Sussex, and also holds an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, hosted at the University of Regensberg.  He has authored 400 papers, and is an internationally recognised authority on the chemistry of low-coordinate phosphorus.

Elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1994, John has been the recipient of numerous awards, including: the Alexander von Humbolt Prize (2003 & 2009), Ludwig Mond Lectureship (RSC, 2003), Geza Zemplen Medal of the Budapest Institute of Technology (2003), Tilden Lectureship (1992), Main Group Element Medal (RSC, 1985) and the Corday-Morgan Medal (RSC, 1975).  He has also held several visiting positions, including most recently Visiting Professorships at the Indian Insitute of Science, Bangalore (2011), and the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Trivandrum, India (2005), and Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University, Canberra.


Current Collaborators

Professor M. Scheer

Chemistry Department
University of Regensberg


Professor L. Nyulaszi

Budapest Institute of Technology and Economics
Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Szt Gellert ter
Budapest, Hungary


Professor E. D.  Jemmis

Department of Inorganic Chemistry
Indian Institute of Science