Bio-electronics, sensor and medical instrumentations

1) Sensor and medical instrumentation for mother and baby

Maternal and Foetal ECG simulator and Electric potential sensing technology

Collaborators: Cranfield, Alex Children's Hospital, NHS

• The above image shows Maternal and Foetal ECG simulator with Electric potential sensing technology.

• Mothers undergoing high risk pregnancies require constant ECG monitoring of the foetus. The available technology is invasive and mostly available at the hospital. High risk pregnancies often lead to premature deliveries.

• Premature babies lungs are not yet fully developed. Though the birth process this can cause the neonate breathing difficulties leading to the requirement of resuscitation procedures. There is no available technology to assist the midwife through the ventilation procedure.

•Non-invasive sensor-based wearable devices for monitoring maternal and neonatal Electrocardiogram (ECG) are being developed to solve such challenges.

2) In vivo medium thoughput cardiotoxicity assessment 

Experimental setup for in vivo ECG monitoring of Danio Rerio embryo

• The above image shows the experimental setup for in vivo ECG monitoring of Danio Rerio larvae and example ECG trace.

• Though out the development of a new drug , the drug must satisfy all safety and efficacy concerns to and remain in the market.

• Cadiotoxicity is one of the main causes of drug withdrawal representing huge losses to the pharmaceutical industry as well as requiring the use of large amount of mammals for testing purposes. 

• Though the development  of  an integrated sensing platform for measuring cardiotoxicity in Danio Rerio embryos we aim to solve such challenges.

3) Design construction and testing of industrial robots for surgical applications

Robotics facility showing a prototype of a home made industrial based robotic arm and control system based on real time processing using an FPGA

Collaborators: RTA, Sanyo Denki, eao

• The above image shows a home made industrial based robotic arm and control system based on real time processing using an FPGA.

• Medical robots offer less invasive surgical procedures, access to locations where in traditional surgery the patient would require a major intervention. Medical robots in the market are still expensive limiting its availability to a few hospitals.

• Industrial robots have been available in the manufacturing industry for decades, having already experienced a cost reduction.

• Though the modification of an industrial type robot to perform surgical procedures we aim to solve such challenges.