Selected publications
Dustin, Moira and Held, Nina (2018) In or out? A Queer intersectional approach to ‘Particular Social Group’ membership and credibility in SOGI asylum claims in Germany and the UK. GenIUS - Rivista di studi giuridici sull’orientamento sessuale e l’identità di genere, 2018 (02). pp. 74-87. ISSN 2384-9495
Dustin, Moira and Held, Nina (2018) In or out? A queer intersectional approach to 'particular social group' membership and credibility in SOGI asylum claims in Germany and the UK. Genius, 2018 (2). pp. 74-87. ISSN 2384-9495
Held, Nina (2017) ‘They look at you like an insect that wants to be squashed’: an ethnographic account of the racialized sexual spaces of Manchester’s Gay Village. Sexualities, 20 (5-6). pp. 535-557. ISSN 1363-4607
Held, Nina (2017) [Review] C. Winter Han (2015) Geisha of a different kind: race and sexuality in gaysian America. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40 (3). pp. 544-546. ISSN 0141-9870
Held, Nina (2015) Comfortable and safe spaces?: Gender, sexuality and 'race' in night-time leisure spaces. Emotion, Space and Society, 14. pp. 33-42. ISSN 1755-4586
Held, Nina (2015) [Review] Bhimji, Fazila (2012) British Asian Muslim women, multiple spatialities and cosmopolitanism. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 13 (1). pp. 90-96. ISSN 1476-6825
Held, Nina (2009) Researching ‘race’ in lesbian space: a critical reflection. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 13 (2). pp. 204-2015. ISSN 1089-4160
Danisi, Carmelo, Dustin, Moira, Ferreira, Nuno and Held, Nina (2021) Queering asylum in Europe: legal and social experiences of seeking international protection on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. IMISCOE Research Series . Springer. ISBN 9783030694401
Book Section
Held, Nina (2019) Sexual orientation and gender identity claims of asylum in germany: intersectional legal, social and methodological challenges. In: Küppers, Carolin (ed.) Refugees & Queers: Forschung und Bildung an der Schnittstelle von LSBTTIQ, Fluchtmigration und Emanzipationspolitiken. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 53-80. ISBN 9783837642117
Held, Nina and McCarthy, Karen (2018) “They like you to pretend to be something you are not”: an exploration of working with the intersections of gender, sexuality, ‘race’, religion and ‘refugeeness’, through the experience of Lesbian Immigration Support Group (LISG) members and volunteers. In: Robbins, Rachel and Nayak, Suryia (eds.) Intersectionality in Social Work: Challenges to power, thought and practice. Routledge Advances in Social Work . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138628168
Held, Nina (2016) What does a ‘genuine lesbian’ look like? Intersections of sexuality and ‘race’ in Manchester’s Gay Village and in the UK asylum system. In: Stella, Francesca, Taylor, Yvette, Reynolds, Tracey and Rogers, Antoine (eds.) Sexuality, citizenship and belonging: trans-national and intersectional perspectives. Routledge advances in critical diversities (1). Routledge, London, pp. 131-148. ISBN 9781138805040
Held, Nina and Leach, Tara (2008) 'What are you doing here?’: the ‘look’ and (non) belongings of racialised bodies in sexualised space. In: Kuntsman, Adi and Miyake, Eperenza (eds.) Out of place: interrogating silences in queerness/raciality. Raw Nerve, York, pp. 139-157. ISBN 9780955358647
Reports and working papers
Andrade, Vitor Lopes, Danisi, Carmelo, Dustin, Moira, Ferreira, Nuno and Held, Nina (2020) Queering asylum in Europe: a survey report. Technical Report. University of Sussex, Brighton.
Tschalaer, Mengia and Held, Nina (2019) Queer asylum in Germany: better visibility and access to legal and social support needed for LGBTQI+ people seeking asylum in Germany / Queeres Asyl in Deutschland: Bessere Sichtbarkeit und besserer Zugang zu rechtlicher und sozialer Unterstützung für LSBTQI* Geflüchtete. Other. University of Bristol, Bristol.
Ferreira, Nuno, Danisi, Carmelo, Dustin, Moira and Held, Nina (2018) The reform of the Common European Asylum System: fifteen recommendations from a sexual orientation and gender identity perspective. Technical Report. SOGICA / University of Sussex, Brighton.
Held, Nina (2011) Racialised lesbian spaces: a Mancunian ethnography. Doctoral thesis (PhD), Lancaster University.
Danisi, Carmelo, Dustin, Moira, Ferreira, Nuno and Held, Nina (2020) 32 recommendations to the European Commission on the new EU LGBTI+ Equality Strategy. European Commission.
Ferreira, Nuno, Dustin, Moira, Held, Nina and Danisi, Carmelo (2020) 30 Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung des Lebens von Menschen, die aufgrund von ihrer sexuellen Orientierung oder Geschlechtsidentität (SOGI) in Deutschland Asyl beantragen. SOGICA Project / University of Sussex, Brighton.
Dustin, Moira, Held, Nina, Danisi, Carmelo and Ferreira, Nuno (2020) 30 raccomandazioni per migliorare l’esperienza delle persone che chiedono protezione internazionale in ragione dell’orientamento sessuale o dell’identità di genere (SOGI) in Italia. SOGICA Project / University of Sussex, Brighton.
Dustin, Moira, Held, Nina, Danisi, Carmelo and Ferreira, Nuno (2020) 30 recommendations for improving the lives of people claiming asylum on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI) in the UK. SOGICA Project / University of Sussex, Brighton.
Danisi, Carmelo, Dustin, Moira, Ferreira, Nuno and Held, Nina (2019) Written evidence submitted to ‘Brexit: future UK-EU cooperation on asylum and international protection‘ inquiry. UK Parliament.
Held, Nina (2017) [Blog] What does a genuine lesbian/gay relationship look like in the eyes of asylum decision makers? Discover Society.
Craig, Elizabeth, Danisi, Carmelo, Dustin, Moira, Ferreira, Nuno, Held, Nina, Millns, Susan, Taggart, Paul, Velluti, Samantha and Walters, Mark (2016) Written submission from the School of Law, Politics and Sociology, University of Sussex (OEU0007)to the Women and equalities Committee inquiry: ensuring strong equalities legislation after EU exit. Houses of Parliament.