Dr Ceren Ozpinar
I am a scholar of contemporary art, art history and historiography of art. I also teach in the fields of art history, art management and visual culture.
Currently, I am doing my post-doc as a Newton International Fellow at the Department of Art History. My post-doc is sponsored by the British Academy, and I am working on my research project entitled "Re-visiting Feminist Temporalities in Art and Art History in Turkey from 1970s onwards." Recently, I received a grant from the Getty Foundation to share the preliminary findings of my research at the College Art Association's (CAA) 106th Annual Conference in Washington, DC.
I received my PhD in History of Art at Istanbul Technical University in 2015. My thesis was on the historiography of contemporary art in Turkey. My post-doc research is in fact built upon my PhD work. During my PhD, I had been a fellow at the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies at the University of Leeds for one year (2013-2014). My position at the University of Leeds was sponsored by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK 2214A). I have also received grants from different institutions, including the UAAC (Canada) and SAHA Istanbul, which enabled me to travel and present my work at academic conferences. As well as the UAAC, I have delivered conference papers and shared my PhD research in the United States, Turkey and the UK, including the AAH, AMCA and METU conferences.
- British Academy Newton International Fellow
- Research Staff Rep (School of History, Art History and Philosophy)
- Public Engagement and Outreach Lead, Middle East and North Africa Centre at Sussex (MENACS)