Associate (Sussex Digital Humanities Lab)
Selected publications
Braybrooke, Kat (2018) Hacking the museum? Practices and power geometries at collections makerspaces in London. Journal of Peer Production, 2 (12). pp. 40-59. ISSN 2213-5316
Braybrooke, Kat and Smith, Adrian (2018) [Introduction] Liberatory technologies for whom? Analysing a new generation of makerspaces defined by institutional encounters. Journal of Peer Production, 2 (12). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2213-5316
Braybrooke, Kat and Smith, Adrian (2018) [Introduction] Liberatory technologies for whom? Exploring a new generation of makerspaces defined by institutional encounters. Journal of Peer Production, 12 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2213-5316
Jordan, Timothy and Braybrooke, Kaitlyn Marie (2017) Genealogy, culture and technomyth: decolonizing western information technologies, from open source to the maker movement. Digital Culture and Society, 3 (1). pp. 25-46. ISSN 2364-2114
Book Section
Braybrooke, Kat and Smith, Adrian (2021) Makerspaces and peer production: spaces of possibility, tension, post-automation, or liberation? In: O'Neill, Mathieu, Pentzold, Christian and Toupin, Sophie (eds.) The handbook of peer production. Handbooks in communication and media . Wiley, Hoboken, pp. 347-358. ISBN 9781119537106
Edited Book
Braybrooke, Kaitlyn, Nissilä, Jussi and Vuorikivi, Timo, eds. (2013) The open book. Reaktio, 3 . The Finnish Institute in London, London. ISBN 9780957077638
Conference Proceedings
Damiani, Luca M, Braybrooke, Kat and Sage, John Philip (2018) Temporary techno-social gatherings? A (hacked) discussion about open practices. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2018), London, UK, 9 - 13 July 2018. Published in: Proceedings of EVA London 2018. 263-271. BCS Learning and Development Ltd ISSN 1477-9358 ISBN 9781780174549
Braybrooke, Kaitlyn Marie (2019) Hacking the museum? Collections makerspaces and power in London cultural institutions. Doctoral thesis (PhD), University of Sussex.