Mr Parimal Patel
Post: | Emeritus Research Fellow (SPRU - Science Policy Research Unit) |
Location: | JUBILEE BUILDING JUB-380 380 |
Email: | P.R.Patel@sussex.ac.uk |
Parimal Patel is a Research Fellow at SPRU, University of Sussex, and has more than 35 years of experience of working on science, technology and innovation policy issues. His main contribution has been the development of innovation indicators to compare the performance of countries, companies and other institutions across different industries, technological fields, and scientific disciplines.
His most recent work has focused on globalization of R&D, national systems of innovation and linkages between firms and the science base. Parimal has been the leader of a number of major research projects funded by Research Councils in the UK and the European Commission. From May 2008 to June 2011 he co-ordinated a FP7 project entitled The changing nature of Internationalization of Innovation in Europe: impact on firms and the implications for innovation policy in the EU. Since then he has been the principal investigator of the RAPPORT project (Building RAPPORT between SMEs and public or private research capabilities) funded by the EC.
He is the author of more than 30 journal articles, 22 Book chapters and 30 other reports and papers. He has acted as a consultant to the OECD, European Commission, and the UK and Australian governments. His has published articles in the following peer-reviewed journals: Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, and Revue D'Économie Industrielle.