photo of Kamala Dawar

Dr Kamala Dawar

Post:School Tutor (Law)
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Kamala Dawar is an expert in international and European trade law, specialising in public procurement, competition and consumer law and policy. She was awarded a PhD in International Trade Law (magna cum laude) from the Graduate Institute, Geneva and an LLM in International and European Trade Law from the University of Amsterdam Law School (Distinction). She also holds an MSc in Comparative Government (Distinction) from the London School of Economics and a B.A. Politics (First Class) from the University of the West of England.

In addition to teaching courses on international trade, commercial, investment, company and financial law, Kamala conducts research, policy analysis and technical assistance training for academic, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations, including the WTO, World Bank, the European Union, COMESA, CARICOM, ASEAN as well as public interest organisations and has undertaken BREXIT-related research, policy analysis and capacity building for example, for the UK Government, the European Parliament, Northern Ireland businesses and procurement community, and national media. 

Kamala has published a book, along with various articles, book chapters and reports on international economic law issues including: WTO law enforcement, protectionism, the regulation of competition and public procurement, regional trade agreements, and preferential trading arrangements for development. 



Senior Lecturer Law: Trade and Commercial