Dr Valeria Arza
Post: | Associate Fellow (SPRU - Science Policy Research Unit) |
Location: | FREEMAN CENTRE SPRU - p/h |
Email: | V.L.Arza@sussex.ac.uk |
Valeria Arza is researcher in economics of innovation at the Argentinean National Research Council (CONICET) and at CENIT-Argentina (www.fund-cenit.org.ar) and a Lecturer in the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). She has completed a postdoc on University-Industry interactions at Matisse at the Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne. She holds a PhD from SPRU, University of Sussex and a M.Sc. from the London School of Economics. She has done research on several topics related to the determinants on firms' innovative behaviour in developing countries. More in particular, she has published papers on the role of the environment on firms' investment decisions and the relevance of public/private and global partnerships for technology diffusion.
Associate Fellow
Post-doctoral degree at Matisse – Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne – Paris I - France
2008: Research project on the interactions between universities and firms in Argentina.
Doctoral degree at SPRU (Science and Technology Research), University of Sussex - UK
2001-2005: Thesis: The Impact of Business Confidence and Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Firms' Investment Behaviour in Argentina During the 1990s. Supervised by Nick von Tunzelmann. Approved without changes in March 2006.
Master in Science at LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) - UK
2000-2001: Master in Development
Final grade: High Merit
Degree in Economics at the School of Economics - University of Buenos Aires - Argentina
1992-1999: Final grade: Magna Cum Laude, the best Honours Diploma of the School of Economics. Average mark: 8.44/10, one of the five best of the School in 1999 (out of 30,000 student) and the third amongst student who graduated in Economics in 1999
Recently successful research proposals, submitted as project leader:
- IDB Call for research proposals on “Innovation, R&D Investment and Productivity in Latin American & Caribbean Firms” – Proposal submitted in October 2008 on Innovation and productivity in the manufacturing sector in Argentina
- CONICET, Proyectos PIP 2009-2011, - Proposal submitted in June 2008 on GM technologies in the agricultural sector in Argentina
- Ville de Paris, Bourse de recherche: - April 2008 - Proposal submitted in April 2008 on University-Industry linkages in Argentina
- ESRC, Visiting Fellowships – Proposal submitted in April 2008 on Agricultural production with GM technologies
- Argentinean National Agency for the Promotion of Science &Technology – Proyectos PICT 2007 – Proposal presented in January 2008 on economic interactions of Argentinean public research organisations
- University of Buenos Aires – UBACyT 2007 – Proposal submitted in August 2007 on trade and international competitiveness of the Argentinean automobile industry
Key researcher in the following projects:
- IDRC: University Industry-linkages in Latin-America: the Argentinean case. CENIT. In progress.
- ESRC: Agricultural production with GM technologies in Developing Countries: The case of BT cotton in Argentina. CENIT/SPRU. Visiting Fellowship
- IDRC: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications from National Innovation Surveys in Latin America and the Caribbean. Argentinean case. CENIT. Completed in 2008
- IDRC: The Evolving Role of MNEs in Latin American and Caribbean National Innovation System. SPRU. Completed in 2008
- IDRC: Growth diagnosis in MERCOSUR: the regional and competitiveness dimensions. Red MERCOSUR. Completed in 2008.
- IDRC: Productive Complementation in the Automotive Industry in MERCOSUR from Regional to Global Integration. Red MERCOSUR. Completed in 2007.