Centre for Leadership, Ethics and Diversity (LEAD)

Welcome to the Centre for Leadership, Ethics and Diversity (LEAD).

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”  - Peter F. Drucker 

Complementing its dedication to the production of knowledge is LEAD’s commitment to the dissemination of knowledge. In the service of this goal, LEAD sponsors a speaker series inviting academic experts and industry leaders to share their experience and perspectives on topics related to leadership, ethics, and diversity. LEAD also recognises the importance of promoting links between research and practice. Our faculty have served as consultants and advisors to various FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 corporations, public and government agencies, and non-profit organizations.


Professor Robert Livingston

Professor Robert W. Livingston

E R.Livingston@sussex.ac.uk
T +44 (0)1273 678733 (ext. 8733)

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