Centre for Gender Studies


After a long career as a teacher and head teacher in state schools, Jane worked as a consultant, leadership coach and diversities trainer before becoming a full-time student in 2008. She gained her MPhil at the University of Birmingham in 2009 and her PhD in Gender Studies at Sussex in 2014. 



Research Associate


PhD (Gender Studies), University of Sussex 2014
MPhil (Gender Studies), University of Birmingham 2009
MA (Ed.), University of London 1985
Dip Ed., University of Oxford 1967
BA (English Language and Literature), University of Oxford, 1966.



2014 SAND (Safe Ageing, No Discrimination) Launch Event, Shrewsbury. 'Contexts for LGBT Ageing.'

2014 Critical Diversities Conference, London South Bank University. 'Inimate Fears: Old Lesbians Talking About the Future.'

2014 World Pride Human Rights Conference, University of Toronto. '"Women Like That": Old Lesbians in the UK.'

2013 British Sociological Association 41st Annual Conference. ‘Invisible Intimacies: Sexuality in the Lives of Older Lesbians.’

2013 Lesbian Lives Conference: The Modern Lesbian. ‘Becoming Visible: Lesbians Over 60.’

and [With Professor Sally R Munt] ‘Life Histories and Health Narratives of Older British Lesbians.’

2013 European Sociological Association Conference: Sexuality in Theory and Practice. ‘Hiding In Plain Sight: “Invisible” Older Lesbians.’

2012 What is LGBT History? Conference at Queen Mary, University of London. ‘In And Out of the Academy: Oral History with Older Lesbians.’

2012 L-Fest, Annual Lesbian Gathering, Shrewsbury, England. ‘Preliminary findings from the Older Lesbian Research Project.’

2012  41st Annual Conference of the British Society of Gerontologists, University of Keele. ‘400+ Older Lesbians in the UK’

2012 Self, Selves and Sexualities: Conference, Dublin City University. ‘Women Like That’: Lesbian Selves After Sixty.’

2012 After Homosexual: Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. ‘Gay Lib /Women’s Lib: The legacy of Feminism for Older Lesbians.’

2012 Masquerades: Lesbian Lives Conference, University College, Dublin. ‘History, Identity, Politics: The legacy of feminism in the lives of older lesbians.’  

2011 MeCCSA Annual Postgraduate Conference, University of Bournemouth. ‘“Women Like That”: Older lesbians in the UK.’

2011 L Fest Annual Lesbian Gathering, Shrewsbury. ‘Listening to Older Lesbians’

2011 University of Warwick Women's and Gender Studies Postgraduate Seminar Series. The lives of British lesbians over sixty: an empirical investigation.’

2011 [With Leela Bakshi] Revolting: Bodies, Politics & Genders: Lesbian Lives Conference, University of Brighton. ‘“Come out, come out, wherever you are:”  the problem of representativeness and BME participation in LGBT / lesbian research.’

2010 Brighton and Sussex Sexualities Network Annual Conference, University of Brighton. ‘The lives of British lesbians over sixty’