Centre for Coastal Research (CCR)


2010 - present

Gilham J., Barlow J., & Moore R., 2019. Detection and analysis of mass wasting events in chalk sea cliffs using UAV photogrammetry. Engineering Geology, 250: 101-112.

Barlow J., Moore R. 2018. Natural experiments in rock mechanics using high precision monitoring of chalk sea cliffs. Chalk 2018 (Conference Proceeding)

Gilham J., Barlow J., Moore R. 2018. Marine control over negative power law scaling of mass wasting events in chalk sea cliffs with implications for future recession under the UKCP09 medium emission scenario. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI: 10.1002/esp.4379.

Barlow J., Gilham J., Ibarra Cofrã I., 2017. Kinematic analysis of sea cliff stability using UAV photogrammetry, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38 (8-10): 2464-2479.

Barlow J., Moore R., Gheorghiu D. 2016.  Reconstructing the recent failure chronology of a multistage landslide complex using cosmogenic isotope concentrations: St Catherine’s Point, UK. Geomorphology, 268: 288-295.

Dabson O., Barlow J., Moore R. 2015. Morphological controls on the occurrence of submarine slab failures. In: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. 7th International Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20979-1_52.

2014 Holland, A., Moses, C., Sear. D. and Picksley, D. (2014) Measuring active layer depth to develop predictive models of mixed sediment beach response to wave energies. British Society for Geomorphology Annual Meeting.

2014 Moses, C.  (2014) The rock coast of the British Isles: shore platforms. In: Rock coast geomorphology: a global synthesis. Geological Society of London, pp. 39-55. ISBN 978-1-86239-684-5

2014 Moses, C., Robinson, D. and Barlow, J. (2014) Methods for measuring rock surface weathering and erosion: a critical review. Earth Science Reviews, 135. pp. 141-161. ISSN 0012-8252

2014 (submitted) Dixon N, R Moore, M Spriggs, A Smith, P Meldrum & R Siddle (2014). Performance of an acoustic emission monitoring system to detect subsurface ground deformations at Flat Cliffs, North Yorkshire, UK. International Association of Engineering Geology, Torino, Sep 2014.

2013 Hinkel, Jochen, Nicholls, Robert J, Tol, Richard S J, Wang, Zheng B, Hamilton, Jacqueline M, Boot, Gerben, Vafeidis, Athanasios T, McFadden, Lorraine, Ganopolski, Andrey and Klein, Richard J T (2013) A global analysis of erosion of sandy beaches and sea-level rise: an application of DIVA. Global and Planetary Change, 111. pp. 150-158. ISSN 0921-8181

2013 Moses C., D.A. Robinson and R.B.G. Williams (2013) Towards an improved understanding of tidal notch development: ten years of micro-erosion meter rates, Phang Nga Bay, Thailand. 8th International Conference on Geomorphology, Paris, France, August 2013.

2013 Moses C. and S. Furlani (2013) Understanding notch development: examples from tropical and Mediterranean coasts. 12th International Coastal Symposium, Plymouth, UK, April 2013.

2013 Robinson D.A. and C. Moses (2013) Comparative rates of surface downwearing of coastal engineering materials and of chalk and sandstone platforms, East Sussex, southeast England. 8th International Conference on Geomorphology, Paris, France, August 2013.

2013 Curoy J., C. Moses and D.A. Robinson (2013) Influence of sediment recycling-recharging on mixed beach behaviour: a case study at Cayeux-sur-Mer, north France. 8th International Conference on Geomorphology, Paris, France, August 2013.

2013 Moses C.A. Shore platforms of the British Isles: their origin and mode of evolution. Accepted for publication in Kennedy, Stephenson and Naylor (eds) Rock Coast Geomorphology: a Global Synthesis. Memoir of the Geological Society of London.

2013 Moses, C. A. Tropical rock coasts Cliff, notch and platform erosion dynamics. Progress in Physical Geography, 37(2), 206-226.

2013 Moses C. and S. Furlani (2013) Understanding notch development: examples from tropical and Mediterranean coasts. 12th International Coastal Symposium, Plymouth, UK, April 2013.

2013 Curoy J., C. Moses C. and D.A. Robinson (2013) Depth of disturbance measurements on macrotidal mixed beaches. 12th International Coastal Symposium, Plymouth, UK, April 2013.

2013 Robinson D.A. and C. Moses (2013) Rates and patterns of downwearing on a cohesive shore platform, Isle of Sheppey, UK. 12th International Coastal Symposium, Plymouth, UK, April 2013.

2013 Bradbury, A. and D. Picksley (2013) Field Observations of Structure and Nearshore Changes following Construction of an Artificial Surf Reef. Coastal, Marine Structures and Breakwaters: From Sea to Shore – Meeting the Challenges of the Sea, Institute of Civil Engineers, September 2013, Edinburgh.

2012 Barlow J., Lim M., Rosser N., Petley D., Brain M., Norman E., Geer M.,  2012, Modelling rock cliff erosion using negative power law scaling of rockfalls. Geomorphology, 139-140: 416-424.

2012 Bosello, Francesco, Nicholls, Robert J, Richards, Julie, Roson, Roberto and Tol, Richard S J (2012) Economic impacts of climate change in Europe: sea level rise. Climatic Change, 112 (1). pp. 63-81. ISSN 0165-0009

2012 Curoy J., C.A. Moses, D.A.Robinson (2012) Depth of disturbance measurements on macrotidal mixed beaches: Insights from the eastern Channel coast. Proceedings International Geographical Congress: Coastal Systems: Coastal Monitoring. C08.05-06, 163.

2012 Curoy J., C.A. Moses, D.A.Robinson (2012)  Longshore Sediment Transport on a Macrotidal Mixed Sediment Beach, Birling Gap, United Kingdom. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14, EGU2012-5856.

2012 Furlani S., C.A. Moses and F. Antonioli (2012) Preservation of Tyrrhenian limestone coastal morphologies used as sea level markers. AIQUA Congress Proceedings, ‘The transition from natural to anthropogenic-dominated environmental change in Italy and the surrounding regions since the Neolithic’, p 102.

2012 Moses C.A. and S. Furlani (2012) Limitations to modelling tidal notch development - insights from erosion rates on Mediterranean and tropical coasts. Proceedings International Geographical Congress: Coastal Systems: Rocky Coasts – 1, C08.05-10, 97.

2012 Moss JL, J Cartwright, A Cartwright and R Moore (2012). The spatial pattern and drainage cell characteristics of a pockmark field, Nile Deep Sea Fan. Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 35, Issue 1, pp321-336.

2012 Moss JL, J Cartwright, R Moore: Evidence for fluid migration following pockmark formation: Examples from the Nile Deep Sea Fan. Marine Geology, Volumes 303-306, pp. 1–13.

2012 Moore R., RG McInnes (2012) Landslides and climate change – innovative approaches to planning policy and stakeholder engagement in England. Proc. of the 11th International and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Banff, Canada, June 2012. Vol. 1; 395-400.

2012 Moore R, Davis G, Watson N and Evans C (2012) Coastal erosion and instability assessment for project funding. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Maritime Engineering, Themed Issue - Adapting to Coastal Change (submitted), 2012.

2012 Narita, Daiju, Rehdanz, Katrin and Tol, Richard S J (2012) Economic costs of ocean acidification: a look into the impacts on global shellfish production. Climatic Change, 113 (3-4). pp. 1049-1063. ISSN 0165-0009

2011 Dornbusch, U. and Robinson, D.A.  (2011) Block removal and step backwearing as erosion processes on rock shore platforms: a preliminary case study of the chalk shore platforms of south-east England. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36. pp. 661-671.

2011 Lee EM (2011) Reflections on the decadal scale response of coastal cliffs to sea level rise. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, November 2011, v. 44:481-489.

2011 Link, Peter Michael, Schneider, Uwe A and Tol, Richard S J (2011) Economic Impacts of Changes in Fish Population Dynamics: The Role of the Fishermen's Harvesting Strategies. Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 16 (4). pp. 413-429. ISSN 1420-2026

2011 Moses, C.A. and D.A. Robinson (2011) Chalk coast dynamics: Implications for understanding rock coast evolution. Earth Science Reviews, 109, 63-73.

2011 Moore, R. and RG McInnes (2011) Cliff Instability and Erosion Management in Great Britain: a good practice guide. Halcrow Group Ltd.

2011 Nicholls, Robert J, Marinova, Natasha, Lowe, Jason A, Brown, Sally, Vellinga, Pier, de Gusmoa, Diogo, Hinkel, Jochen and Tol, Richard S J (2011) Sea-level rise and its possible impacts given a 'beyond 4°C world' in the twenty-first century. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 369 (1934). pp. 161-181. ISSN 1471-2962

2011 Robinson D.A. and C.A. Moses (2011) Rock surface weathering: process and form. In K. Gregory and A.S. Goudie (eds) The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology., pp. 291-309.

2010 Anthoff, David, Nicholls, Robert J and Tol, Richard S J (2010) The economic impact of substantial sea-level rise. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 15 (4). pp. 321-335. ISSN 1381-2386

2010 Brain, M., Rosser, N., Petley, D., Lim, M., Barlow, J., Norman, E. (2010) Dynamic rock strength in coastal rock cliffs. In: Williams, A.L., Pinches, G.M., Chin, C.Y., McMorran, T.J., Massey, C.I. (eds), Geologically Active. CRC Press / Balkema – Proceedings and Monographs in Engineering, Water and Earth Sciences Taylor and Francis, London. p 45–52.

2010 Dornbusch, U., Robinson, D.A., Moses, C.M. and Williams, R.B.G. (2010) Soft copy photogrammetry to measure shore platform erosion on decadal time scales. In Green, D. (ed) Coastal and Marine Geospatial Technologies, Coastal and Continental Margins, Volume 13. Springer, Heidelberg-New York, 129-138.

 2010 Hinkel, Jochen, Nicholls, Robert J, Vafeidis, Athanasios T, Tol, Richard S J and Avagianou, Thaleia (2010) Assessing risk of and adaptation to sea-level rise in the European Union: An application of DIVA. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 15 (7). pp. 703-719. ISSN 1381-2386

2010 Lim, M., Rosser, N., Petley, D., Norman, E., Barlow, J., Brain, M. (2010) Characterising coastal cliff erosional environments: microclimate-rock interactions. In: Williams, A.L., Pinches, G.M., Chin, C.Y., McMorran, T.J., Massey, C.I. (eds), Geologically Active. CRC Press / Balkema. Proceedings and Monographs in Engineering, Water and Earth Sciences Taylor and Francis, London. p 393-400.

2010 Moses, C.A., R.Charman and R.B.G. Williams (2010) Downwearing rates and patterns on a cohesive shore platform, Isle of Sheppey, UK. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-5393-1, 2010

2010 Moses C., Robinson D., Charman R. (2010) Rates and patterns of downwearing on cohesive shore platforms, UK. Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Annual Conference.

2010 Moses, C., D. A. Robinson,  R. B. G. Williams & U. Dornbusch (2008).Recent advances in quantifying chalk shore platform downwearing. British Society for Geomorphology Annual Conference 3-4 July 2008, Exeter.

2010 Moore, R., JM Carey & RG McInnes (2010) Landslide behaviour and climate change: predictable consequences for the Ventnor Undercliff, Isle of Wight. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 43 447-460.

2010 Moore, R., J Rogers, A Woodget & A Baptiste (2010) Climate change impact on cliff instability and erosion in the UK. FCRM>10, Proceedings of the EA Conference of River and Coastal Engineers, 079.

2010 Norman E., Rosser N., Lim M., Petley D., Barlow J., Brain M., (2010) Exploring the relationship between tidal duration and energy delivery to a coastal cliff. In: Williams, A.L., Pinches, G.M., Chin, C.Y., McMorran, T.J., Massey, C.I. (eds), Geologically Active. CRC Press / Balkema. Proceedings and Monographs in Engineering, Water and Earth Sciences Taylor and Francis, London. p 2273-2279.

2000 – 2009

2009 Curoy J., C.A. Moses, D.A. Robinson and R.B.G. Williams (2009) Profile evolution and active layer measurements on a macrotidal composite gravel beach, Somme Estuary, France. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie 53, 3, 387-409.

2009 Bradbury, A., T. Mason, and D. Picksley. "A performance based assessment of design tools and design conditions for a beach management scheme." Coastal, Marine Structure and Breakwater.

2008 Allison, R.J. and Brunsden, D. (2008) Mass movement. In: Burt, T.P. et al. (ed.), The History and Study of Landforms, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester.

2008 Costa, S., Levoy, F., Monfort, O., Curoy, J., De Saint Leger, E., and Delahaye, D. (2008). Impact of sand content and cross-shore transport on the morphodynamics of macrotidal gravel beaches (Haute-Normandie, English Channel). Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie 52, 41-62.

2008 Dornbusch, U., Williams, R.B.G., Moses, C.A. and Robinson, D.A. (2008) Foreshore Narrowing along the coast of Southeast England - A Re-evaluation. Journal of Coastal Research, 24, 14-24.

2008 Dornbusch, U., Robinson, D.A., Moses, C.A. and Williams, R.B.G. (2008) Temporal and spatial variations of the chalk cliff retreat rate in East Sussex, 1873-2001. Marine Geology, 249, 271-282.

2008 Dornbusch, U., D. Robinson, C.A. Moses and R. Williams (2008) Variation in beach behaviour in relation to groyne spacing and groyne type for mixed sand and gravel beaches, Saltdean, UK. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementband, 52, 3, 125-143.

2008 Dornbusch U., D.A. Robinson, C.A. Moses and R.B.G.Williams (2008) Soft copy photogrammetry to measure shore platform erosion on decadal timescales. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 11, 4, 1,  193 – 200.

2008 Hequette A. and C.A. Moses (eds) (2008) Beaches At Risk Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F. 52, Supplementary Issue 3.

2008 Moses, C.A. and R.B.G. Williams (2008) Artificial beach recharge: the South East England experience. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementband 52, 3, 107-123.

2008 Tol, Richard S J, Klein, Richard J T and Nicholls, Robert J (2008) Towards successful adaptation to sea-level rise along Europe's coasts. Journal of Coastal Research, 24 (2). pp. 432-442. ISSN 0749-0208

2008 Vafeidis, Athanasios T, Nicholls, Robert J, McFadden, Loraine, Tol, Richard S J, Hinkel, Jochen, Spencer, Tom, Grashof, Poul S, Boot, Gerben and Klein, Richard J T (2008) A New Global Coastal Database for Impact and Vulnerability Analysis to Sea-Level Rise. Journal of Coastal Research, 24 (4). pp. 917-924. ISSN 0749-0208

2008 Watt, T., Robinson, D.A., Moses, C.A. Moses and Dornbusch, U. (2008) Patterns of surface sediment grain size distribution under the influence of varying wave conditions on a mixed sediment beach at Pevensey Bay, Southeast England. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementband, 52, 3, 63-77.

2007 Barlow J., Franklin S. (2007) Mapping Hazardous Slope Processes using Digital Data, In: Geomatics Solutions for Disaster Management, Li J., Fabbri A. (eds), Springer, Toronto.

2007 Bosello, Francesco, Roson, Roberto and Tol, Richard S J (2007) Economy-wide estimates of the implications of climate change: Sea level rise. Environmental and Resource Economics, 37 (3). pp. 549-571. ISSN 0924-6460

2007 Charman R., T. Cane, C.A. Moses and R.B.G. Williams (2007) A device for measuring downwearing on cohesive shore platforms. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 32, 14, 2212-2221.

2007 Cooper, N., D. Brew, P. Balson, S. Pearson, C. Moses, R. Williams, R. Charman, M. Walkden (2007) Erosion of Cohesive Shore Platforms. In: Coastal Management, Institute of Civil Engineers International Conference, Conference Proceedings, pp 69-78.

2007 Curoy,  J., Dornbusch U., Moses C.A., Robinson D.A. & R.B.G. Williams (2007) Cross-shore and longshore transport of tracer pebbles on a macrotidal mixed sediment beach, Somme Estuary, France. Proceedings, Coastal Sediments 2007, 1, 14p, New Orleans.

2007 Dornbusch, U., Robinson, D.A., Williams, R.B.G. and C.A. Moses (2007) Shore platform erosion in the vicinity of sea defence structures and the impact of construction methods, Coastal Engineering, 54(11), 801-810.

2007 Fish PR and Moore R (2007) Techniques for long-term coastal change prediction and the significance of ‘inheritance’. Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Management, Cardiff.

2007 McFadden, Loraine, Nicholls, Robert J, Vafeidis, Athanasios and Tol, Richard S J (2007) A methodology for modeling coastal space for global assessment. Journal of Coastal Research, 23 (4). pp. 911-920. ISSN 0749-0208

2007 Moore R, Carey J, McInnes RG and Houghton J (2007) Climate change, so what? Implications for ground movement and landslide event frequency in the Ventnor Undercliff, Isle of Wight. Proceedings of the International Conference on Landslides and Climate Change, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. P335-344.

2007 Moore R, Turner M, Palmer M and Carey J (2007) The Ventnor Undercliff: a new ground model and implications for climate change induced landslide behaviour and risk. Proceedings of the International Conference on Landslides and Climate Change, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. p365-375.

2007 McInnes, RG,  R Moore et al. (2007) The Undercliff of the Isle of Wight – a guide to managing ground instability. Isle of Wight Centre for the Coastal Environment. Cross Publishing, Chale, Isle of Wight.

2007 Tol, Richard S J (2007) The double trade-off between adaptation and mitigation for sea level rise: An application of FUND. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 12 (5). pp. 741-753. ISSN 1381-2386

2007 Bradbury, A.,  S. McVey, and D.Picksley (2007) Monitoring Stability of Rock Armoured Coastal Structures Using High Resolution Laser Scanning. In: L. Franco, G. Tomasicchio and A. Lamberti (eds) Coastal Structures 2007, Proc. 5th Coastal Structures International Conference.

2006 Balson, P.S., Brew, D.S., Charman, R.O., Hobbs, P., Moses, C.A., Pearson, S., Walkden, M. and Williams, R.B.G. (2006) Defra Conference on Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management 4th to 6th July 2006.

2006 Brew, D S, Balson, P S, Hobbs, P, Charman, R, Moses, C, and Williams, R. (2006). Erosion of cohesive shore platforms: case studies from two UK coastal sites. EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meeting. Suppl. Abstract, 11—15 Dec 2006. (San Francisco, USA.)

2006 Dornbusch U., D.A.Robinson, C.A. Moses, R.B.G.Williams and S. Costa (2006) Retreat of chalk cliffs in the eastern English Channel during the last century. Journal of Maps, 1-8.

2006 Dornbusch U., D.A. Robinson, C.A. Moses and R.B.G. Williams (2006) Chalk coast erosion and its contribution to the shingle budget in East Sussex. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementband. 144: 215-230.

2006 Dornbusch, U., R. Williams, C. Moses and D. Robinson (2006). Intertidal shortening along the coast of Southeast England, UK - a critique. British Society for Geomorphology Annual Conference 28th-30th June 2006, Loughborough.

2006 Foote, Y. Plessis, E., Robinson, D.A., Henaff, A. and Costa, S. (2006) Rates and patterns of downwearing of chalk shore platforms of the Channel Coasts: Comparisons between France and England. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, Supplementband, 144, 93-115.

2006 Moore R, Carey J and Fish P (2006) Landslide geomorphology at Cayton Bay, North Yorkshire. Journal of the Yorkshire Geological Society. Vol 56; Part 1, pages 5-14.

2006 Moses C.A., D.A. Robinson, R.B.G. Williams and F. Marques (2006) Laboratory simulations of weathering and erosion processes on shore platforms. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementband, 144, 19-37.

2006 Nicholls, Robert J and Tol, Richard S J (2006) Impacts and responses to sea-level rise: A global analysis of the SRES scenarios over the twenty-first century. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 364 (1841). pp. 1073-1095. ISSN 1364-503X

2006 Robinson, DA and Y. Lageat (2006) European Shore Platform Erosion Dynamics Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 144.

2006 Swantesson J.O.H., C.A. Moses, G.E. Berg and K.M. Hanson (2006) Methods for measuring shoreplatform micro erosion. A comparison of the micro-erosion meter and Laser Scanner. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementband, 144, 1-17.

2006 Tol, Richard S J, Bohn, Maria, Downing, Thomas E, Guillerminet, Marie-Laure, Hizsnyik, Eva, Kasperson, Roger, Lonsdale, Kate, Mays, Claire, Nicholls, Robert J, Olsthoorn, Alexander A, Pfeifle, Gabriele, Poumadere, Marc, Toth, Ferenc L, Vafeidis, Athanasios T, van der Werff, Peter E and Yetkiner, I Hakan (2006) Adaptation to five metres of sea level rise. Journal of Risk Research, 9 (5). pp. 467-482. ISSN 1366-9877

2005 Dornbusch, U., Moses, C.A., Robinson, D.A., Williams, R.B.G. (2005) Soft copy photogrammetry to measure shore platform erosion on decadal timescales. Proceedings of CoastGIS, 6th International Symposium on GIS and Computer Cartography for Coastal Zone Management, 21 – 23 July 2006, Aberdeen.

2005 Lee, E.M. (2005) Coastal cliff recession risk: a simple judgement-based model, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 38: 89-104.

2005 Lim, M., Petley, D.N., Rosser, N.J., Allison, R.J., Long, A.J. and Pybus, D. (2005) Combined digital photogrammetry and time-of flight laser scanning for monitoring cliff evolution. Photogrammetric Record, 20, 109-129.

2005 Rosser, N.J., Petley, D.N., Lim, M., Dunning, S.A. and Allison, R.J. (2005) Terrestrial laser scanning for monitoring the process of hard rock coastal cliff erosion. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 38, 363-375.

2005 Watt, T. Dornbusch, U., Moses, C.M. & Robinson, D.A. ( 2005) Surface sediment distribution patterns on mixed Beaches in response to wave conditions, Proceedings Coastal Dynamics, 2005, Barcelona. 1-14.

2005 Watt, T., Dornbusch, U., Moses, C. and Robinson, D.A. (2005) Monitoring storm response on mixed shingle beaches using GPS survey techniques. UK Young Coastal Scientists' and Engineers' Conference, Nottingham. 6-7/01/2005.

2005 Watt, T., U. Dornbusch, C. Moses, D. Robinson, (2005).  Surface Sediment Distribution Patterns on Mixed Beaches in Response to Wave Conditions Coastal Dynamics 2005 — State of the Practice, American Society of Civil Engineers Conf. Proc. (214) 17.

2004 Brew D.S., P.S. Balson, S. Pearson, P. Hobbs, R.B.G. Williams, D.A. Robinson, C.A. Moses and M. Walkden (2004) The implications of cohesive shore platform erosion for coastal management. Proceedings of Littoral 2004, 7th International Symposium: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy, September 20-22, Aberdeen: 591-596.

2004 Charman, R.O., Cundy, A.B., Taylor, J.A., Moses, C.A. and Williams, R.B.G. (2004) The use of shore-based sediment traps (Booner tubes) in estuarine waters: an example from the Ouse estuary, east Sussex, UK. Proceedings Int. Workshop HWK Delmenhorst 15-18 April 2004 – From Particle Size to Sediment Dynamics: 36-38.

2004 Dornbusch, U., C.A. Moses, D.A. Robinson and R.B.G. Williams (2004) Laboratory abrasion tests on beach flint shingle. In: Mortimore R.N. and A. Duperret (Eds) 2004 Coastal Chalk Cliff Stability. Geological Society Engineering Special Publication 20, 131-138.

2004 Dornbusch, U., C.A. Moses, D.A. Robinson and R.B.G. Williams. (2004) Surveying beaches with GPS:  from real surfaces to volumes and the problems in between. Marine Measurement Forum, Brighton, December 16, 2004.

2004 Williams R.B.G., D.A. Robinson, U. Dornbusch, Y.LM.Foote, C.A. Moses and P.R. Saddleton (2004) A sturzstrom-like cliff fall on the chalk coast of Sussex, UK. In: Mortimore R.N. and A. Duperret (Eds) 2004 Coastal Chalk Cliff Stability. Geological Society Engineering Special Publication 20, 89-97.

2003 Dornbusch, U., Robinson, D.A., Williams, R.B.G. and C.A. Moses (2003) Estimation of abrasion on flint shingle beaches in East Sussex, UK. Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Sediments 2003. CD-ROM Published by World Scientific Publishing Corp. and East Meets West Productions, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA. ISBN 981-238-422-7.

2003 Moore R, Fish P, Koh A, Trivedi D and Lee A (2003) Coastal change analysis: a quantitative approach using digital maps, aerial photographs and LiDAR. Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Management, Brighton. P197-211.

 2003 Moore R, Fish P, Glennerster M and Bradbury A (2003) Cliff behaviour assessment: a quantitative approach using digital photogrammetry and GIS. Proceedings of the 38th DEFRA Conference of River and Coastal Engineers, 08.3.1-08.3.13.

2003 Moses C. A. (2003) Observations on Coastal Biokarst, Hells Gate, Lord Howe Island, Australia. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. 47, 1, 83-100.

2002 Dornbusch, U., R.B.G. Williams, C.A. Moses and D.A. Robinson (2002) Life expectancy of shingle beaches: measuring in situ abrasion. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 36, 249-255.

2002 Dornbusch, U., R.B.G. Williams, C.A. Moses and D.A. Robinson (2002) Life expectancy of shingle beaches: measuring in situ abrasion. International Coastal Symposium, Templepatrick, Northern Ireland, March 25-29, 2002.

2002 Lee EM and Clark AR (2002) Investigation and Management of Soft Rock Cliffs. Thomas Telford.

2002 Moore R, McConnell K, Barter P, Riby J and Matthews C (2002) Cliff behaviour assessment and management strategy, Filey Bay, Yorkshire, UK. In RG McInnes and J Jakeways (eds) Instability, Planning and Management: seeking sustainable solutions to ground movement problems, Thomas Telford Publishing, P641-648.

2002 Robinson, D.A. and Moses, C.A. (2002). Asymmetric weathering of a limestone obelisk in a coastal environment, Telscombe Cliffs, Brighton. In: Prikryl, R. and Viles, H. (eds) Understanding and managing stone decay: Proceedings Stone Weathering and Pollution Network, (SWAPNET) 2001, Karolinum Press, Prague, 25-38.

2001 Darwin, Roy F and Tol, Richard S J (2001) Estimates of the economic effects of sea level rise. Environmental and Resource Economics, 19 (2). pp. 113-129. ISSN 0924-6460

2001 Dornbusch, U., C.A. Moses, D.A. Robinson and R.B.G. Williams (2001) Laboratory abrasion tests on beach flint shingle. in: Coastal Chalk Cliff Stability. International Conference Coastal Rock slope Instability, Le Havre, June 31 2001.

2001 Hosking ASD and Moore R (2001) Preparing for the impacts of climate change on the central south coast of England. Proceedings of the SCOPAC Conference on Preparing for the impacts of climate change, p15-24, Southampton.

2001 Robinson, D.A., Andrade, C., Foote, Y., Fornos, J., Miossec, A., Moses, C., Swantesson, J., Williams, R.B.G. (2001). European shore platform erosion dynamics: monitoring the downwearing of shore platforms in the context of the management and protection of rocky coasts, in: Barthel, K.-G. et al. (Ed.) (2001). Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2000 conference, 29 August to 2 September 2000 Hamburg, Germany. : pp. 8-9.

2001 Robinson D., Moses C. (2001) Rapid asymmetric weathering of a limestone obelisk in a coastal environment: Telscombe Cliffs, Brighton, UK. Stone Weathering and Air Pollution Network (SWAPnet) International Conference, Belfast.

2001 Williams, R.B.G., D.A. Robinson, U. Dornbusch, Y.L.M. Foote, C.A. Moses and P.R. Saddleton (2001) A sturztstrom-like cliff fall on the chalk coast of Sussex, UK.  International Conference Coastal Rock slope Instability, Le Havre, June 31 2001.

2000 Foote, Y., Moses, C., Robinson, D., Saddleton, P., and Williams, R. (2000) European Shore Platform Erosion Dynamics (ESPED). Proceedings Oceanology International 2000, 563-573.

2000 Moses, CA (2000) Field rock block exposure trials. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 120, 33-50.

2000 Allison, R.J. (2000) Cliffs and Rock Slopes. In: Hancock, P. (ed.), Oxford Companion to the Earth, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

2000 Allison, R.J. (2000) Landslides. In: Boardman, J. and Favis-Mortlock, D. (eds), Environmental Change, Imperial College Press, London.

2000 Brunsden D and Moore R (1999) Engineering geomorphology on the coast: lessons from West Dorset. Geomorphology, Volume 31, Issues 1-4, December 1999, Pages 391-409.

2000 Moses C. A. (2000) Field rock block exposure trials. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplement Band, 120, 33-50.

2000 Williams R., C. Andrade, Foote Y., Fornos J., Lageat Y., Miossec A., Moses C., Robinson D., C. and Swantesson J. (2000) European Shore Platform Dynamics (ESPED): Monitoring the downwearing of shore platforms in the context of the management and protection of rocky coasts. EurOCEAN 2000 The European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean Technology Project Synopsis - Vol. II: Coastal Protection - Marine technology.