Festival of Sust(AI)nable Education

A warm welcome to the Festival of Sust(AI)nable Education minisite. Here you'll find our '6 days of AI' pre-Festival learning pathway for attendees. You can also browse the Festival programme, speaker bios, and housekeeping information.

Abstract image of a lightbulb with a graduation cap on top and students studying inside

The University of Sussex Business School is thrilled to host the inaugural Festival of SustAInable Education on 8 May 2024. This groundbreaking event will explore the intersection of sustainability, artificial intelligence, and the future of education.

The Festival of SustAInable Education promises to be an engaging, stimulating event for all faculty and staff. You'll have the chance to network with renowned figures, showcase your own innovative teaching, and gain invaluable insights to elevate your contributions to the Business School and the wider world.

Join the conversation on social media

Follow us on X (Twitter) and LinkedIn to join the conversation on the run up to, and on the day of, the Festival of SustAInable Education.

Use the hastag #SustAIfest.

Have you booked your ticket?

The Festival of Sust(AI)nable Education is a free, ticketed event. Book your ticket today to secure your spot.

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