Widening Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania

Working papers

Working papers are posted on this page at six month intervals as they are completed. They provided an insight into the different stages of research of the project as data and material from different sources comes in.

All information in these working papers is provisional and subject to change; before citing this as a source please consult one of the project team. As articles and conferences papers are written and published, links will be published on this site.

Morley, L., Leach, F., Lugg, R., Lihamba, A., Opare, J., Bhalalusesa, E., Dzama Forde, L., Egbenya, G. & Mwaipopo, R. (2007). Working Paper 1: Setting The Scene for the ESRC/DFID Project on Widening Participation in Ghana and Tanzania [PDF 521.30KB]

Lugg, R., Morley, L. and Leach, F. (2007). Working Paper 2: Country Profiles for Ghana and Tanzania: Economic, Social and Political Contexts for Widening Participation in Higher Education [PDF 634.50KB]

Lugg, R., Morley, L., Leach, F. (2007). Working Paper 3: A Profile of Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania [PDF 388.88KB]

Leach, F., Morley, L., Lugg, R., Lihamba, A., Opare, J., Mwaipopo, R., Forde, L.D., Egbenya, G., Bhalalusesa, E. (2008). Working Paper 4: Policies for Widening Participation in Higher Education in Ghana and Tanzania [PDF 581.91KB]