- Academic Staff Research
Dr Philip Bremner
Dr Philip Bremner is Lecturer in Tort Law at Sussex Law School. Philip's research interests include socio-legal and empirical perspectives on cross-border and comparative family law. Philip is also interested in exploring areas where tort law, family law and medical law overlap, particularly with relation to children.
Elizabeth Craig
Dr Elizabeth Craig is Senior Lecturer in Law at Sussex Law School. Elizabeth's research interests lie primarily within international human rights and comparative law, with a particular emphasis on the development and application of European minority rights law. Her research to date has focused primarily on culture, identity and language issues within a minority rights framework. Her published work has focused specifically on education rights and language rights as an integral part of European and international standards on human and minority rights, as well as general themes emerging - eg on the development of a generic approach to the development of minority rights in Europe and on the relationship between security and more-justice-oriented approaches. Her work also engages with national constitutional law and processes of internalizing human rights norms.
Dr Liljana Cvetanoska
Dr Liljana Cvetanoska joined the University of Sussex in 2016 and is a Lecturer in Corruption, Law and Governance in the School of Law, Politics and Sociology. She holds a PhD in Politics from the University of Sussex, where she examined the European Union's enlargement conditionality on control of corruption in Central and Eastern Europe. Liljana has an MA in Contemporary European Studies from the University of Bath, a Master’s Degree by Research in Law from Queen Mary University of London, and a Bachelor of Laws degree from the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Macedonia with a specialization in criminal law. Currently, she is involved in research on the negative impact of corruption on women in Central and Eastern Europe.
Liljana has worked in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. She worked as a project researcher for Transparency International Macedonia on a regional project for measuring anti-corruption progress in candidate countries during the EU accession process. Prior to this, she worked in a law firm and has also been involved in the process of harmonization and implementation of national laws and policies with European legislation. She is an active consultant on corruption-related matters for various international organizations.
Kamala Dawar
Dr Kamala Dawar is a Lecturer in Commercial Law at Sussex Law School. She is an international trade and competition law specialist. She holds a PhD in International Trade Law (magna cum laude) from the Graduate Institute, Geneva and an LLM in International and European Trade Law from the University of Amsterdam Law School.
Kamala conducts research, policy analysis and training for academic, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations, including the WTO, World Bank, the European Commission and public interest organisations. Kamala has published articles on trade and development issues including WTO law and governance, public procurement law and policy, competition law and consumer policy, preferential trading arrangements and development issues.
Dr David Davies
Dr David Davies is a teaching fellow in sociology. David holds an LLB and LLM from the University of Essex (2005) and was awarded a PhD from the University of Sussex (2019). The title of his thesis 'Regulating gender stereotypes in advertising: a socio-legal analysis' was supervised by Prof. Susie Scott and Prof. Susan Millns. He has previously worked at the University of Essex (2007-2010) where he taught law. Prior to joining school, he worked as an in-house Government lawyer specialising in employment law.
Moira Dustin
Dr Moira Dustin is a research fellow at Sussex Law School. Together with two other research fellows, Dr Carmelo Danisi and Dr Nina Held she is working on the Horizon 2020 European Research Council (ERC) project SOGICA - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum: A European human rights challenge (2016-2020).
She has a PhD in Gender Studies from the London School of Economics where she is a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE).
Before joining the University of Sussex, Moira was Director of Research and Communications at the Equality and Diversity Forum, a network of equality and human rights organisations, where she coordinated the Equality and Diversity Research Network.
Moira has also worked at the Refugee Council, providing advice and information and developing national services for refugees and asylum-seekers. She has worked as a freelance sub-editor on the Guardian and Independent newspapers and was the Information Worker for the Carnegie Inquiry into the Third Age.
Nuno Ferreira
Nuno Ferreira is Professor of Law at Sussex Law School. He carries out research on human rights, discrimination, children's rights, and asylum and refugee law and policy in the context of the European Union and the Council of Europe. Nuno uses socio-legal, comparative, empirical and policy-oriented perspectives in his work. Nuno has published widely with top publishers and journals, and participated in several high-profile, externally funded European research projects. Nuno is a Horizon 2020 European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant recipient, leading the project SOGICA - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum: A European human rights challenge (2016-2020).
Dr Gentili
Dr Gentili is a Lecturer in Law. Areas of expertise include: Comparative constitutional law, comparative systems of judicial review, commonwealth constitutionalism, theory of federalism, sub-national constitutions, constitutional assistance, democracy-building, constitution-drafting.
Ioannis Katsaroumpas
Dr Ioannis Katsaroumpas is a Lecturer in Employment Law at Sussex Law School. His primary research interest lies in the area of collective labour law (trade union law, collective bargaining law, industrial action law) and its analysis from a theoretical, international, constitutional, European and comparative perspective.
Bal Sokhi-Bulley
Dr Bal Sokhi-Bulley is Senior Lecturer in Law & Critical Theory at Sussex Law School. Her research interests cover critical approaches to rights, rights and mobility and critical legal research methodologies. She is currently involved in an ESRC-funded project called ‘Treating People as Objects: Ethics, Security and the Governance of Mobility’ (TPOT) (Ref ES/L013274/1).
Samantha Velluti
Dr Samantha Velluti is Reader in Law at Sussex Law School. Samantha’s work draws on insights from a range of disciplines and schools of thought despite being firmly located within a combination of EU law & policy and human rights.
Current research interests are in the field of EU asylum law and policy, especially legislative developments and the judicial activism of the Court of Justice of the EU and the European Court of Human Rights from a human rights perspective. Other areas of research include the promotion of human rights and international labour standards in EU external trade law and policy and, in this context, the relationship between the European Union and other International organisations as well as its relationship with third countries.
- Selected Publications
Craig, Elizabeth (2021) The framework convention for the protection of national minorities and internalisation: lessons from the Western Balkans. Review of Central and East European Law, 46 (1). pp. 1-40.
Carmelo Danisi and Nuno Ferreira (2021) published ADiM Blog 'Queering asylum... or human rights in Europe' Read HERE
Anne Wesemman (2020) published a book 'Citizenship in the European Union: Constitutionalism, rights and norms' Read the review by Journal of Contemporary European Research HERE
Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi, Chantal Mak and Zeeshan Mansour (eds.) (2020) published a book 'Immoral Contracts in Europe' Read HERE
Prof Nuno Ferreira (2020) published a book chapter entitled 'An exercise in detachment: the Council of Europe and sexual minority asylum claims'. In: Mole, Richard C M (ed.) Queer migration and asylum in Europe. FRINGE . UCL Press. ISBN 9781787355996. Read HERE
Dr Carmelo Danisi edited a Special Issue on SOGI asylum in the Italian journal GenIUS and included articles by all members of the SOGICA team, as well as other contributions from experts in the field: Read HERE.
Professor Nuno Ferreira published a book chapter entitled ‘A Roma European crisis road-map: A holistic answer to a complex problem’, in T. Magazzini and S. Piemontese (eds.), Constructing Roma Migrants: European Narratives and Local Governance, IMISCOE Research Series, Springer, Cham, 31-49, available HERE.Professor Nuno Ferreira and KU Leuven PhD Law candidate Denise Venturi published a blog post entitled 'Testing the untestable: The CJEU’s decision in Case C-473/16, F v Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal', EDAL – European Database of Asylum Law [weblog article, 28 June 2018]. European Council on Refugees and Exiles: Read HERE.
Carmelo Danisi, 'Immigration Control and the Best Interests of the Child in Europe', in Protecting Migrant Children: In Search of Best Practices, edited by M. Crock and L. Benson, Elgar, 2018, 136-162 (with Mary Crock).
Carmelo Danisi, 'Promoting Human Rights Through the EU External Action: An Empty “Vessel” for Sexual Minorities?', in European Foreign Affairs Review, no. 3, 2017, pp. 341–356.
Moira Dustin, Nuno Ferreira and Sue Millns (eds), Gender and Queer Perspectives on Brexit, Palgrave, 2018
Bremner, Philip (2017) ‘Surrogacy and single parents following Re Z’ Edinburgh Law Review. ISSN 1364-9809 (Accepted)
Craig, Elizabeth (2016) Who are the minorities? The role of the right to self-identity within the European minority rights framework. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues, 15 (2). pp. 6-30. ISSN 1617-5247
Danisi, Carmelo (2015) Protecting the Human Rights of people living with HIV/AIDS: A European approach? Groningen Journal of International Law, 3 (2). pp. 47-79. ISSN 2352-2674
Holmes, Peter, Rollo, Jim, Dawar, Kamala and Mathis, James H (2016) Qualified market access: an economic, empirical and legal analysis. Journal of International Trade, 1 (1). pp. 47-71
Kamala Dawar, 'The 2016 European Union International Procurement Instrument’s Amendments to the 2012 Buy European Proposal: A Retrospective Assessment of Its Prospects' (2016) 50 Journal of World Trade, Issue 5, pp. 845–865
Ferreira, Nuno (2017) Working children in Europe: a socio-legal approach to the regulation of child work. European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance, 4 (1). pp. 43-104. ISSN 2213-4506
Katsaroumpas, Ioannis (2015) Labour Law in Europe during the crisis and beyond: describing, criticising and envisioning. Industrial Law Journal, 44 (1). pp. 158-166. ISSN 0305-9332
Millns, Susan and Skeet, Charlotte (2013) Gender equality and legal mobilization in the United Kingdom: using rights for lobbying, litigation, defense and attack. Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 28 (2). pp. 169-188. ISSN 0829-3201
Sokhi-Bulley, Bal (2016) Governing (through) rights. Human rIghts law in perspective. Hart Publishing, Oxford. ISBN 9781849467391
Szyszczak, Erika (2016) Article 263(4) TFEU and the impossibility of challenging recovery decisions in state aid: annotation on the judgments of the general court of 15 September 2016 in T-219/13 Pietro Ferracci v European Commission and T-220/13 Scuola Elementare Maria Montessori v European Commission. European State Aid Law Quarterly, 15 (4). pp. 637-641. ISSN 1619-5272
Velluti, Samantha (2016) The promotion of social rights and labour standards in the EU’s external trade relations. CLEER Papers (5). pp. 83-113. ISSN 1878-9595
Velluti, Samantha (2016) The promotion and integration of human rights in EU external trade relations. Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, 32 (83). pp. 41-68. ISSN 2053-5341
- Podcasts
The first episode of the "In conversation with" podcast series is now available here:
- Blogposts