The Children's Consumer Culture Project


The high price of materialism. An video summary of Tim Kasser’s book: Video

Campaign for body confidence. An association of groups tackling low levels of body confidence. Website; Advertisment

Girlpower. An interactive example of the extent of media touch-ups. Website

Children 'damaged' by materialism. BBC news story reporting the results of a lifestyle poll: Story 

Reflections on body image. Report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Body Image: Report

Letting Children be Children. An independent review of the commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood: Report

Child well-being in the UK, Spain and Sweden: The role of inequality and materialism. Report by UNICEF: Report

Centre for Appearance Research (CAR): Research group at the University of the West of England investigating appearance issues: Website

B-eat. Beating eating disorders help and support: Website

Body image classes in primary schools. Channel 4 news story about an body-image intervention in primary schools: Story