photo of Paul Benjamin

Prof Paul Benjamin

Post:Emeritus Professor (Neuroscience)
Location:JMS BUILDING 4D20
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Academic qualifications

BSc (Liverpool) BSc (Econ) (London) PhD (Durham)  

1964-1967 PhD investigating molluscan chemosensory systems

Academic positions

1967-1985 Lecturer in Animal Physiology, University of Sussex

1985-1991 Reader in Neuroscience, University of Sussex

1991-2013 Professor of Neuroscience, University of Sussex

2013- Emeritus Professor of Neuroscience, University of Sussex

Other positions 

1983-1988 Joint head MRC Neurophysiology Group

1984 Nuffield Foundation travelling fellowship

1989-1994  Member, BBSRC Research Grant and studentship panels

1987- Director and member Company of Biologists (Cambridge publishers)

1991-1999 Deputy Director, BBSRC IRC in Simple Nervous Systems

1994 BBSRC Visiting Fellowship

1994-1996 University Research Committee

1996-1999 University Science Area Promotion and Advancement Committee

2001-2003 Chair, School of Biological Sciences Research Committee


2011 Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB)

2018 Fellow of the Physiological Society (FPhysiol)


My main role is to carry out research in neuroscience in the School of Life Sciences funded by the BBSRC within the learning and memory group of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience