The Sussex Saver initiative: a sustainable solution for students, staff, and the planet
By: Maria Andreou
Last updated: Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Sussex Saver: Curried Lentil Stew with Rice
In a proactive response to the economic challenges facing both staff and students, the University launched a £2 meal scheme, the Sussex Saver, in November 2022, in collaboration with our catering partners.
The initiative aimed to address the demand for affordable hot meals on campus, ensuring that staff and students have access to budget-friendly nutritious food options.
An affordable and informed choice
Crafted from recipes inspired by community feedback, these meals champion sustainability and wellness. They are suitable for vegans and can be collected from The Veg Bowl @ Dhaba.
Featuring a daily rotating menu of rice-based dishes such as Moroccan chickpea tagine, black-eyed bean curry, and green Thai curry, these meals have become a staple for staff and students alike.
Sustainable impact
Matt Montgomery, Head of Sustainability, said: "The Sussex Saver is a fantastic lunch option. It represents exactly the sort of solution we need to address the climate and ecological crisis: a win win win – a win for budgets, in that it is extremely good value at only £2; a win for health as it is nutritious, balanced, and delicious; and a win for the planet as it can be produced sustainably and in an environmentally friendly manner."
Celebrating success
The scheme has seen remarkable success since its introduction, with more than 117,000 meals served so far – over 45,400 of which were purchased this academic year.
Here’s just some of the positive feedback the scheme has received:
Course Co-ordinator D. Kiernan said: "I have been at Sussex for 17 years and have always brought in lunch from home. However, since the introduction of the Sussex Saver, I now eat on campus most days without feeling guilty. It’s great to be able to grab something quick that doesn't break the bank! After making packed lunches for my kids most days, it’s a relief to know that I don't have to make my own for work anymore."
Head of School Coordinator K. Campbell said: "The Sussex Saver is great when I'm at work – it's quick, filling, and healthy. And a bargain too!"
International Relations postgraduate student S. P. Tower said: "The Sussex Saver is an excellent initiative, both for its nutritious value and cost, allowing us, students, to have access to affordable meals without spending too much. This should always be an option for students at Sussex."
Nominated for excellence
The Sussex Saver, developed with the help of Sussex Uni Food in response to a need for affordable, hot food on campus, led to Sussex being shortlisted for the Cost of Living Award at the 2023 Whatuni Student Choice Awards (WUSCA).
The WUSCA are the largest annual university awards in the UK, exclusively voted for by students. They recognise the efforts of HE institutions in meeting and exceeding student expectations. Students provide reviews through campus visits and the Whatuni website.
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