David Shiers

Selected publications


Abel, C, Afach, S, Ayres, N J, Baker, C A, Ban, G, Bison, G, Bodek, K, Bondar, V, Burghoff, M, Chanel, E, Chowdhuri, Z, Chiu, P-J, Clement, B, Crawford, C B, Daum, M, Emmenegger, S, Ferraris-Bouchez, L, Fertl, M, Flaux, P, Franke, B, Fratangelo, A, Geltenbort, P, Green, K, Griffith, W C, van der Grinten, M, Grujić, Z D, Harris, P G, Hayen, L, Heil, W, Henneck, R, Hélaine, V, Hild, N, Hodge, Z, Horras, M, Iaydjiev, P, Ivanov, S N, Kasprzak, M, Kermaidic, Y, Kirch, K, Knecht, A, Knowles, P, Koch, H-C, Koss, P A, Komposch, S, Kozela, A, Kraft, A, Krempel, J, Kuźniak, M, Lauss, B, Lefort, T, Lemière, Y, Leredde, A, Mohanmurthy, P, Mtchedlishvili, A, Musgrave, M, Naviliat-Cuncic, O, Pais, D, Piegsa, F M, Pierre, E, Pignol, G, Plonka-Spehr, C, Prashanth, P N, Quéméner, G, Rawlik, M, Rebreyend, D, Rienäcker, I, Ries, D, Roccia, S, Rogel, G, Rozpedzik, D, Schnabel, A, Schmidt-Wellenburg, P, Severijns, N, Shiers, D, Dinani, R Tavakoli, Thorne, J A, Virot, R, Voigt, J, Weis, A, Wursten, E, Wyszynski, G, Zejma, J, Zenner, J and Zsigmond, G (2020) Measurement of the permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron. Physical Review Letters, 124 (8). 081803-1-081803-7. ISSN 1079-7114

Abel, C, Ayres, N J, Ban, G, Bison, G, Bodek, K, Bondar, V, Daum, M, Fairbairn, M, Flambaum, V V, Geltenbort, P, Green, K, Griffith, W C, Harris, P G, Musgrave, M, Shiers, D and others, (2017) Search for axionlike dark matter through nuclear spin precession in electric and magnetic fields. Physical Review X, 7 (4). a041034 1-9. ISSN 2160-3308

Pendlebury, J M, Afach, S, Ayres, N J, Baker, C A, Ban, G, Bison, G, Bodek, K, Burghoff, M, Geltenbort, P, Green, K, Griffith, W C, van der Grinten, M, Grujić, Z D, Harris, P G, Hélaine, V, Iaydjiev, P, Ivanov, S N, Kasprzak, M, Kermaidic, Y, Kirch, K, Koch, H-C, Komposch, S, Kozela, A, Krempel, J, Lauss, B, Lefort, T, Lemière, Y, May, D J R, Musgrave, M, Naviliat-Cuncic, O, Piegsa, F M, Pignol, G, Prashanth, P N, Quéméner, G, Rawlik, M, Rebreyend, D, Richardson, J D, Ries, D, Roccia, S, Rozpedzik, D, Schnabel, A, Schmidt-Wellenburg, P, Severijns, N, Shiers, D, Thorne, J A, Weis, A, Winston, O J, Wursten, E, Zejma, J and Zsigmond, G (2015) Revised experimental upper limit on the electric dipole moment of the neutron. Physical Review D, 92 (9). a092003. ISSN 1550-7998

Afach, S, Ayres, N J, Baker, C A, Ban, G, Bison, G, Bodek, K, Fertl, M, Franke, B, Geltenbort, P, Green, K, Griffith, W C, van der Grinten, M, Grujić, Z D, Harris, P G, Heil, W, Hélaine, V, Iaydjiev, P, Ivanov, S N, Kasprzak, M, Kermaidic, Y, Kirch, K, Koch, H-C, Komposch, S, Kozela, A, Krempel, J, Lauss, B, Lefort, T, Lemière, Y, Musgrave, M, Naviliat-Cuncic, O, Pendlebury, J M, Piegsa, F M, Pignol, G, Plonka-Spehr, C, Prashanth, P N, Quéméner, G, Rawlik, M, Rebreyend, D, Ries, D, Roccia, S, Rozpedzik, D, Schmidt-Wellenburg, P, Severijns, N, Shiers, D, Thorne, J, Weis, A, Wursten, E, Zejma, J, Zenner, J and Zsigmond, G (2015) Gravitational depolarization of ultracold neutrons: comparison with data. Physical Review D, 92 (5). 052008. ISSN 1550-7998

Baker, C A, Chibane, Y, Chouder, M, Geltenbort, P, Green, K, Harris, P G, Heckel, B R, Iaydjiev, P, Ivanov, S N, Kilvington, I, Lamoreaux, S K, May, D J, Pendlebury, J M, Richardson, J D, Shiers, D B, Smith, K F and van der Grinten, M (2014) Apparatus for measurement of the electric dipole moment of the neutron using a cohabiting atomic-mercury magnetometer. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 736. pp. 184-203. ISSN 0168-9002

Altarev, I, Harris, P G, Pendlebury, J M, Shiers, D, Smith, K F and others, (2011) New constraints on Lorentz invariance violation from the neutron electric dipole moment. Europhysics Letters, 92 (5). p. 51001. ISSN 0295-5075

Baker, C A, Doyle, D D, Geltenbort, P, Green, K, van der Grinten, M G D, Harris, P G, Iaydjiev, P, Ivanov, S N, May, D J R, Pendlebury, J M, Richardson, J D, Shiers, D and Smith, K F (2006) Improved experimental limit on the electric-dipole moment of the neutron. Physical Review Letters (PRL), 97 (13). pp. 131801-131805. ISSN 0031-9007